[syndicate] \\ Marina

Andrej Tisma aart at EUnet.yu
Sat Feb 9 15:08:27 CET 2008

> Great, great, now  what we can expect on this list is a rainbow of all 
> these
> little fascists, right wing nationalists, chauvinists and
> anti-Semitists of the type of Tisma's and machinenkunst crap who  could 
> not
> wait to start  their little wars..

Marina, I thought you are a reasonable person but it seams machinenkunst is 
right. I expressed my sincere sorrow over Belgrade/Kontekst events and I was 
not justifying the destruction of  Jashari's poster. Also I expressed hope 
that the show will be presented soon. So please don't call me such names, be 
more polite.
I am not a chauvinist, nor fascist or anti-Semitist if I just said I can 
understand motives of some young people who were irritated by huge image of 
Adem Jashari who, with his KLA fighters, caused 320.000 Serbs being expelled 
from their homes in Kosovo (and never returned), over 1.000 Serbs killed, 
few thousands abducted, over 300 Serbian Christian churches blown up and 
burned down in Kosovo by those Albanian armed violent people whom Jashari 
with Kalashnikov in hands symbolizes. Be reaslistic, not biasded.
I repeat that I regret for those events and I am not justifying them, and I 
am condemning them, hoping the show will be realized in Belgrade soon as it 
was in Novi Sad recently.

> Therefore is possible to say that this violence will not stop and it is 
> more
> to expect in the very soon future?

I am aware there are many people in the West that would like to see a little 
civil war in Serbia, then NATO enters to make "peace". It was a scenario for 
1999 too but it didn't work, and I hope it will not work now. I see you are 
expecting violence in very soon future. Bravo, be proud of your European 


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