[syndicate] epoetry2007

fm fmadre at free.fr
Fri May 25 19:24:26 CEST 2007

Alan Sondheim a écrit :
> it doesn't matter what it's called.
it does but
that's not exactly what I was saying
I meant that it is part of the experience to view a piece within the 
frame of
or film
or poetry
or whatever
it is also part of the experience if it is viewed within the frame of 
un-frame, alas this seldom happens
> whatever with this stuff. for me, i worked maybe 80 hours on this 
> particular performance, and for what? four minutes? obscene.
you think so ?
you think you can't reuse the work time for the same presentation 
elsewhere or a similar presentation ?
what was so special for you about epoetry that you worked 80 hours on a 
performance without being 100% sure that it would happen as you would ?

what about Bjorn's experience ?

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