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dolmensniper at free.fr dolmensniper at free.fr
Mon Oct 31 10:28:51 CET 2005

yes. it is the selection of the fittest but within a specific environment/time
genes mutate randomly
it's like try and let's see what happens
everything can be
im not so sure about education though
mutations need long periods of time to reveal themselves efective or not
education is a far too recent concept
but maybe a process of evolution, why not
next genes will be informational, so


Selon Aliette Guibert <guibertc at criticalsecret.com>:

>     Darwinism is not ID it designs that all is always changing (fate
> selection in all / reversible effect of the slowness of the education at the
> man) so it integrates education as an effect of the evolution and open to
> the diverse ; Darwinist are against the theory of genes;-) the last
> darwinist biologists think of an environmental theory of genetics and of
> cancer, regarding a statistic pragdigm: environment inside and
> macro-environment outside in correlative predictable/unpredictable effects
> to cellular field. Genes are perfectly umpredictable for Darwinists. Any
> object is not reductable to itself (or a God vision but not a Darwinist
> one). Of course it is life - as no system just a no systemic logical and
> multifunctionalist strategy:
> http://www.carpediemcommunication.com/kupiecUS.htm

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