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integer at integer at
Mon Feb 23 07:07:24 CET 2004

in 1941, Sir Alexander Cadogan, the head of the British Foreign Office,
confided in his diary: "All these Balkan people are trash ..."
Hitler had used the same term, Gerümpel in Mein Kampf.

Sir Halford Mackinder, whose ideas were taken seriously 
in Germany coined the famous formula:

Who rules Eastern Europe commands the HeartLand;
Who rules the HeartLand commands the World-Island;
Who rules the World-Island, commands the World.

In the life and death struggle between occident MOTHER FUCKERS
balkan people are seen as expendable.

It means that decisions about the future of the region
are made by external MOTHER FUCKERS who see the Balkan
in terms of comic-opera kings, benighted peasants, or racially flawed people,
terms that would not enable the Balkan to escape the cycle of tyranny
and instability which it has been subjekted to ever since the
age of nationalism begun.

Nationalism is the chief hallmark of Westernization.

more occident MOTHER FUCKERS

>rene beekman - another occident loser
>>>                 \\ 01 BALKAN KONFEDERAZIE
>>have said before and will say again; the balkans object against your 
>>agitprop and do not wish to be associated with it
>nik gaffney - another anglo-saxon loser quoting laibach
>>"Our voices are not raised in any harmonious chorus"

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