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Tue Dec 16 00:19:20 CET 2003

uar - dze ult!mate luxur!
242.lauzu!tz - dze neu + !mprovd luxur! l!f zt!le
uork - z!mpl!.plebe!an

Kunstradio Live! December 14th, 2003 - 23:05 CET - 22:05 GMT

Portrait 01 - Die Futuristin
on air - on line - on site
by Elisabeth Schimana
Manifesto of the futurist woman read by Andrea Sodomka

on air: OE1 (FM, shortwave), Radio 1476 (mediumwave)
on site: ORF KulturcafÈ, Argentinierstr. 30A, 1040 Vienna
on line:,

Portrait 01 - Die Futuristin
by Elisabeth Schimana
Manifesto of the futurist woman read by Andrea Sodomka

The portrait of the Futurists' female member 
describes and deals with Elisabeth Schimana's 
search for female representatives or, rather, for 
any (historical) existance of feminist positions 
within the genres of radio art, electronic music 
and media art.

Schimana transfers this kind of investigative 
research - following emerging strings of 
infomation, weaving and conceiving them - in her 
performance by interweaving the voices and faces 
of Andrea Sodomka, Netochka Nezvanova, and 
Tatjana Komarova as well as her own for a new 

However, the sculpture emerging through this 
creative action is not at all one of stone or 
steel or a permanent manifestation. On the 
contrary the sculpture in radio space is 
temporary and ephemeral.

ORF Kunstradio
Argentinierstr. 30a
A - 1040 Wien

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