[syndicate] Re: yes, but is it art

Frederic Madre fmadre at wanadoo.fr
Sun Mar 10 15:53:39 CET 2002

At 10:11 10/03/2002 +0100, Anna Balint wrote:
>(predict virality, if I understand well). I also find a lot
>of hypocrisy in the 'destroying the community discourse'

of course, anna.
I thought we were beyond that now.
at least here...

>the australian people working with media, when they reject
>to consider, analyse or at least tolerate their content?

well, in a way the piece that mez sent was highlighting this aspect of 
course and I took it as such
but somehow sending it on syndicate as well as the countless other mailing 
lists it was sent to was a total misunderstanding of the syndicate mailing 
list which is way beyond that basic thinking; cross posting is clearly at 
fault here. I believe that _here this post reads as an advertisement.

>will continue your work. We can document and archive the
>banning on the syndicate list [exchange of emails,
>opinions] if you like to do that.

which I heartily support (if anybody out there was wondering)


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