Midnight in a perfect world

H. Haggerty herbert_haggerty at yahoo.com
Wed Dec 25 09:03:13 CET 2002

all was quiet, no one was stirring, not even a mouse...

If you walk with Jesus 
he's going to save your soul
You've got to keep the devil 
way down in the hole
   -- Tom Waits "Way Down in the Hole"

“our responsibility to history is already clear: to ...rid the world of
President Bush
Washington, D.C. (The National Cathedral)
September 14, 2001

Found poem from:
The National Security Strategy of the United States of America

The United States possesses 
unprecedented and unequaled
strength and influence in the world
Sustained by faith 
in the principles of liberty, 
and the value of a free society, 
this position comes with 
unparalleled responsibilities, 
and opportunity

The militant visions of class, 
nation, and race, 
which promised utopia 
and delivered misery 
have been defeated and discredited 
America is now threatened 
less by conquering states 
than by failing ones 

America’s constitution 
has served us well 
Many other nations, 
with different histories and cultures, 
facing different circumstances, 
have successfully incorporated 
these core principles 
into their own systems 
of governance

While we recognize 
that our best defense 
is a good offense, 
we are also strengthening 
America’s homeland security 
to protect against 
and deter attack

Freedom and fear are at war, 
and there will be no quick 
or easy end 
to this conflict. 

the United States 
will work with friends 
and partners 
to alleviate suffering 
and restore stability

The United States 
should be realistic 
about its ability 
to help those 
who are unwilling 
or unready 
to help themselves

narcotics trafficking 
could imperil the health and security 
of the United States

The nature of the Cold War threat 
required the United States
to emphasize deterrence 
of the enemy’s use of force, 
producing a grim strategy 
of mutual assured destruction
With the collapse of the Soviet Union 
and the end of the Cold War, 
our security environment 
has undergone profound transformation

In the 1990s we witnessed the emergence 
of a small number of rogue states 
that hate the United States 
and everything 
for which it stands. 

the United States can no longer 
solely rely on a reactive posture 
as we have in the past
We cannot let our enemies strike first

The targets of these attacks 
are our military forces 
and our civilian population, 
in direct violation of one of the principal 
norms of the law of warfare

the United States cannot remain idle 
while dangers gather
We will always proceed deliberately, 
weighing the consequences of our actions
The reasons for our actions will be clear, 
the force measured, 
and the cause just

If you can make something that others value, 
you should be able to sell it to them. 
If others make something that you value, 
you should be able 
to buy it.

A world where some live 
in comfort and plenty, 
while half of the human race 
lives on less than $2 a day, 
is neither just nor stable

New technologies, 
including biotechnology, 
have enormous potential 
Using sound science, 
the United States should help 
bring these benefits to the people

Our own history is a long struggle 
to live up to our ideals 
But even in our worst moments, 
the principles enshrined 
in the Declaration of Independence 
were there to guide us 
As a result, 
America is not just a stronger, 
but is a freer 
and more just society.

We can build fruitful habits of consultation, 
quiet argument, 
sober analysis, and common action 
In the long-term, 
these are the practices 
that will sustain the supremacy 
of our common principles 
and keep open the path of progress 

It is time to reaffirm 
the essential role 
of American military strength.
We must build and maintain our defenses 
beyond challenge

The presence of American forces overseas 
is one of the most profound symbols 
of the U.S. commitments 
to allies and friends

This broad portfolio of military capabilities 
must also include 
the ability to defend the homeland, 
conduct information operations, 
ensure U.S. access to distant theaters, 
and protect critical U.S. infrastructure and assets 
in outer space. 

The United States must 
and will 
maintain the capability 
to defeat any attempt 
by an enemy
to impose its will 
on the United States
Our forces will be strong enough 
to dissuade potential adversaries 
from pursuing a military build-up 
in hopes of surpassing, 
or equaling, 
the power of the United States. 

And in this new era
The war on terrorism 
is not a clash of civilizations 
It does reveal the clash 
inside a civilization, 
a battle for the future 
of the Muslim world 
This is a struggle of ideas 
and this is an area 
where America must excel

the distinction between domestic 
and foreign affairs 
is diminishing 
In a globalized world, 
events beyond America’s borders 
have a greater impact inside them

The foundation of American strength 
is at home
It is in the skills of our people, 
the dynamism of our economy, 
and the resilience 
of our institutions 
A diverse, modern society 
has inherent, ambitious, 
entrepreneurial energy
Our strength comes from 
what we do with that energy
That is where our national security begins

Canada has not been a security concern in this century. That is changing. Canada is the most important country on earth for us. 
  -- Pat Buchanan “A Republic, Not an Empire,” p.370

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