Christmas eve on the streets of San Francisco

H. Haggerty herbert_haggerty at
Wed Dec 25 09:52:16 CET 2002

black man playing bass: "hey you got a dollar for the blues"
me: "sure"
"I was born in Houston / 
Mama died when I was two /
I sure didn't know what to do"
"sounds like the blues allright"
"You got that right. White man stole the blues from men like me"
"Yeah, I know"
"Eric Clapton, all those white motherfuckers"
"Hey, you know any LeadBelly?"
"Nah, I have to play my own blues"
"Yeah, I hear ya man, I hear ya"

punk kid: "anarchy is a universal process, 
the creative destruction of the universe"
me: "It's about freedom"
"You aint free, you think you are, but you aint"
"maybe, but I'm freer than most"
"you got any weed"
"nah. I'm clean and sober"
"good for you man, can't get no pussy when your high all the time"
"well, I'm still waitin for that"
"what sign are you?"
"ah, a Leo, a big heart, always wearing it on your sleeve"
"Tell me about it"

alcoholic: "i'm trying not to drink today"
"you seem sober"
"yeah, but I had a little to get well this morning"
"are you getting sick?"
"yeah, and the cops keep rolling me up, pumping me 
for information, but I don't snitch man. I did tell them 
where the stolen cadillac was"
"where d'ya go on your joy ride?"
"You an undercover cop?"
"No, not me. Why would they waste their time on us?"
"They do man, they do, they got nothin better to do"

rock kid: "man, i was goin to see Ani Defranco, this one time
and we was in the back of this van, and this chick, she was
all into nature and shit and she made me this charm and told
me to open it when i needed it so i did and inside it said
live simply so others may live"
"i've heard that before"
"yeah, some dude wrote it but it really helped. anyway, we got
front row seats and Ani was just lookin in my eyes a singing.
She is righteous"
"Righteous Babe Records"
"The chick in the van was fine. We fucked all the way up to Seattle.
Yeah, this other time I we was looking for mushrooms in this 
field and we found some and started eating them. The mushrooms
were leading me to other mushrooms and I suddenly had the answer
to so many questions"
"What did you find out?"
"I don't know, we stayed high for 2 weeks"
"I like to come down eventually"
"This other time I was in Golden Gate Park and this homeless
woman asks me if I want a blow job"
"Did she have any teeth"
"She had one, she was good"
"had to watch out for that one tooth, right?"
"Yeah, whats the point of having one tooth? This other time
I was trippin on shrooms and I was giving this pregnant woman
a massage and she had me feel the baby kick and I connected with
the baby and he was so happy which surprised me because this 
woman was strung out on meth and had scabs all over her face"
"what did the baby tell you?"
"he was so excited about being born soon!"

hispanic guy: "Felice Navidad!"
me: "merry fucking christmas!"
hispanic chick laughs: "yeah that's what I was thinking. 
Merry Fucking Christmas!"
punk kid: Merry Fucking Anti-Christ-mas!"

Canada has not been a security concern in this century. That is changing. Canada is the most important country on earth for us. 
  -- Pat Buchanan “A Republic, Not an Empire,” p.370

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