[syndicate] \\ Happy Obama Day

fm fmadre at free.fr
Wed Nov 5 14:09:24 CET 2008

> Of cours it's a political election... what are you espected ?

certainly not a wikipedia definition...

>in the world, but who thought it was possible in this country 6 months 
ago ? not me...

yeah, I distinctly heard someone on the radio say something like "obama is not going to do anyhting special for blacks, there is no problem with racism anymore in the USA: this election proves that a black man can become president".
big deal! not everybody wants to be a president (I do) most people just want to have food, shelter and have fun

> Mc Cain (...72 years old), 

tell me at what age people should be prevented to run for presidency ?
and no wikipedia cheating card on this: your opinion, xavier

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