[syndicate] \\ komunizm vs kapitalizm vs juzt 4 u

Dmytri Kleiner dk at telekommunisten.net
Mon Jun 30 13:33:12 CEST 2008

On Mon, 30 Jun 2008 01:14:39 -0500, 0f0003 | maschinenkunst
<n2o at ggttctttat.com> wrote:

>  > Yes, this sounds to me exactly like a battle between capitalists,
> Sounds like democratization/desacralization.
> Took place everyday in communism.
> Takes place everyday in capitalism.
> And it is what you are advocating.

No idea what you are saying, not what it has to do with what I am
advocating, the only thing that is clear is that you continue to refuse to
know the meaning of the terms you use.

The passage you are quoting was my response to your sob story about losing
your market in max/dsp video components, which, as explained is tyipical.
The long term return to capital can not be any greater than it's
reproduction costs, thus without turning short term "quasi-rents" on
inovation into permenant (meaning State-enforced) property rents by way of
patents, copyrights, etc, you should not be surprised that you are squeezed
out by better funded competition.

> What I found out is precisely what I have said -
> desacralization/democratization of reality. It is what you are
> doing.  It is what communism and capitalism do.

The statment "what communism and capitalism do" is meaningless and absurd.

> Re: "into the permanent rent on guaranteed property, i.e. Patents,
> Copyrights, actual Land."

> I had copyrights and provisory patents and the legal action was
> initiated.

Property rights are a granted privilege, not something that is simply
justly claimed as most naively believe, they are only meaningful only when
backed with sufficient economic power, which you don't have.

>  >, but hasn't yet driven you to go far enough to actually try to
>  >understand the fundamental difference between capitalist and
> socialist production

> Both create an unhealthy unlivable meaningless mess.

You do continue to be unwilling to understand what you are responding to. 

"Socialist" and "Capitalist" describe productive modes, in particular, they
describe who retains the product after production.

You can not grasp that neither are a system of government. Whether you are
willing to understand it or not, the primitive communism of kin-communal
production is a socialist mode.

In Socialist production, the product is retained by the contributors of
labour, in Capitalist production by the "owners" of the instruments of
production, that is why the latter requires Lockean rights and the former
does not, and there why the latter requires state-granted privilege and
enforcements, while the former can, has and does exist without any
State-granted privilege.

None of this is complicated to understand, you are simply stuck in a broken
record of Cold War propaganda and rhetoric, making your comments worthless
as you refuse to actually engage with the topic you are attempting to

> 'Truly open mode of producing' that u speak of is largely
> hypocritical meaningless projects financed by gov and corporations
> that output desacralized things which are devoid of _real_ value.

No, it is not. I am not referring to free software per se, but rather to
commons based production.
> I _choose_ what is open and with whom.

And vise versa, others chose the degree to which they interact with you.

> http://www.katsandogz.com/onwork.html

I don't have the approriate new age pan flute music for this boring
romantic crap. I should put a filter in my browser to warm me before it
displays cheesy poetry containing the word "angels."

>  > I am not attempting to explain why people do what they do.
> What makes people do what they do +?

I am not attempting to explain why people do what they do

> > I am attempting to explain where some classes get the power to impose
control on
> > others and dictate what they do.

> There is a difference between explaining it and trying to do it.
> Whether you intend to or not, you've been doing quite a bit
> of the latter.

What have I been trying to do?

Do you actually know anything about what it is that I do?

Dmytri Kleiner
editing text files since 1981


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