[syndicate] \\ komunizm vs kapitalizm vs juzt 4 u

0f0003 | maschinenkunst n2o at ggttctttat.com
Mon Jun 30 08:10:37 CEST 2008


previous tone ...... ie. prior to u changing ur tone

 > On Sat, 21 Jun 2008 13:07:33 -0500, 0f0003 | maschinenkunst
 > <n2o at ggttctttat.com> wrote:
 >> This is what I mentioned already exists in
 >> small scale communities - eg. villages in Ro
 > Villages in Ro are not global

Juzzzzzt 4 u operates globally at all time scales and all frequencies.

 >, they exist within a single nation state,
 > they also have at least the possibility for rent and interest  
 > the the exist within a nation than grants alienable property  
 > backs such privilege with force.

Property in those villages exists and is enforced by customs
not laws backed by the state. (the more one diverges from this the  
more misery)
If the nation state ceased to be nothing would change unless those  
villages were attacked from without.
(which is one dilemma - how to ensure exterior integrity without  
destroying the interior)

You don't know what exists in those villages or in other examples -  
the unpronounceable differs for everyone.
You only know what you can reduce/rape into dried up unlivable  
theories. Or, at least you only
consider that which has been stripped of the _real_ objectiveness  
(what u call subjective) a viable argument.

 >However, I continue to be
interested in political economy.

You can do whatever you like.

 >> And if you're looking for a more modern example of this approach see
nato.0+55 as one example.
 > I remember nato being around, I was on the board at InterAccess  
when you
 >threatened to blacklist us and revoke our license because we hired  
a guy you didn't like to teach a nato workshop.

Great, more BS.

Interaccess never had a 'our license'
It had a 'my license'.

Interaccess was hosting a public workshop for which it charged entry   
and only owned _one personal_ (ie. for a person) Nato.0+55 license,
not an institutional license. nor a multi-license. nor did they
speak to me about it before hand.

Ie. the typical exploitative BS.

I took the time and reached a solution with a woman there
granting temporary licenses for the workshop so it could still take  
as well as discounts for any addtl licenses which was typically the  
case - eg. multiple student discounts,
self financing for those without the funds, a share of the proceeds  
for licenses distributed at the workshop, etc.

These large scale exploitative structures
and to a lesser extent humans in the west who grew up suckled by  
large scale structures  don't comprehend and/or refuse to comprehend
and respect that the small scale will go out of its way and engage in
very personalized interaction but it does not operate in a falsely  
sanitary civilized BS manner.

When the personalized trust is crossed it will
retaliate. In a similarly personalized manner.

You want to be a customer, you want unassailable rights,
you want demos, 'free' samples, the 'best' price,
endless return policies, and above all
you want to be the boss because you're the customer
you may lokomote ur poor and needy komponents 2 walmart.

You want to be treated and listened to as a human being,
do not attempt to surreptitiously exploit others first and foremost,
and of course, try to familiarize urself with and respect my ways.
You don't enter my space with some occident qualifications and or  
and demand service and/or that I speak ur lang,
dress in ur garb, and adopt ur belief system.

If one insists on doing that, sooner or ltr the occident 'turbans'
will b nailed to 1ns head literally or figuratively.

 > However, from the little that I noticed about your correspondences  
 > these recent interactions I have had with you now, one thing is  
clear, you don't know anything about political economy,

I decide that not you.

?though you can not
 > resist making confused references to political ideas,

I decide what terminology I use and how.

 > and your ignorance
 > makes you unaware of exactly how banal your comments and opinions  

See above.

You seem to consider yourself simply superior
in the same way that an 'educated' aristocrat, occident puff ball thinks
himself superior to an 'ignorant' peasant and/or 'uncivilized' balkan  

your theories are unhealthy, unlivable, unsustainable,
and utterly unpleasant.

And have generated 0 real value.

Secondly, even if I didn't understand them,
or some democratic analysis classified them as 'superior'
I ud still tell u to go where u came from.

Because the 'best' is abs.worthless, poor and needy before IT.

 > because you don't know the breadth of existing ideas, nor are you  
 > engage with the more detailed arguments, i.e. the relationship  
factor prices and class stratification,

Common sense you embelish in specialist jargon.

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