[syndicate] \\ komunizm vs kapitalizm vs juzt 4 u

0f0003 | maschinenkunst n2o at ggttctttat.com
Mon Jun 23 21:20:44 CEST 2008

kleiner wrote:

 >thus you can contribute nothing to
 > such a discussion except juvenile disdain, which proves nothing  
but your
lack of emotional maturity.

Very diplomatic.Tell me that to my face
and you'll experience some very nice + fluffly balkan diplomacy.

No time nor inclination to respond to all of your unconscious BS.
I'll go through the last msg and that's it.

You remind me of prof. von braun just b4 Lemmy Caution signs him off  
in alphaville,
mixed in with the revolting image of out of shape decrepit badly  
scented utterly unconscious 'artists'
present at some of these conferences, so it's no longer just  
philosophical discord,
but physiological and that's where I draw the line. Revolution - no.  
Revolting - Yes.

In the interim here's the deal -- Change ur f.tone or move on.

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