[syndicate] epoetry2007

fm fmadre at free.fr
Fri May 25 19:28:48 CEST 2007

Alan Sondheim a écrit :
>   you can 'move around' the avatars, interact if that's what you want 
> to do, it's live, i don't care whether it's new media or not but it 
> feels new in the doing and the potential. but there has to be more 
> openness and less definition and less politicing and even maybe some 
> monies to go around 
I think it would be better with less money, much better
> so that people can actually teach, research, whatever with this stuff.
the whatever has more potential that the teach and research
the whatever doesn't need any money
(of course I understand that you alan need money to, like, eat)

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