[syndicate] n0name newsletter #115

n0name at gmx.de n0name at gmx.de
Fri Jun 22 06:17:39 CEST 2007

|<------ Breite: 72 Zeichen - Fixed Width Font: Courier New, 10 ------>|

n0name newsletter #115 Fr., 22.06.2007 05:30 CET


1. Würstchenbude
   ACHTUNG! German Umlauts
2. In the Negativ(e)land
   An E-Mailconversation
3. Rezension von Sabine Nuss. _Copyright & Copyriot_ 19
4. A Memex Wall
   Superfactory(TM) & mi_ga
5. Nick. _Roman_ (Fortsetzungsroman) Teil 74

32 KB, ca. 13 DIN A4-Seiten



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ACHTUNG! German Umlauts

Die Welt blickt auf Kassel
Ex-Frontzonenstadt, Rüstungscity mit ausgeglichenem 
... neuer Flughafen für den Panzertransport
Er ist der Springer, du der Bauer 
Der gute Buergerl fragt 
warum es in dieser Stadt so viele Würstchenbuden 
in Relation zur Zahl der Arbeitslosen gäbe
Die Leute haben einfach wenig und essen zuviel Fett und Zucker
Hamburger und Peitsche
Dafür kommt jetzt Ferrán Adrià [nicht] direkt vom Mmmhittelmeer ünd 
macht eine Erdbeerschaumpartei
Und Buergel ..., 
will uns das Gefühl geben, die Welt zu machen 
und ein kompositoristischer Teil zu sein
Das Gefühl, fein! Und auch die Mittel?
Die Mini-Bourgeoisie zerteilt alles in möglichst kleine Teile
Kollektive sind eine stärkere Bedrohung als Terrorismus
Ihr habt nur Angst, den Anschluss zu verpassen
Komisch, nicht? Wo man auch hinkommt, überall wissen die 
Menschen mehr über uns als wir über sie.
"Was tun?" fragt ausgerechnet der Chef
Als wie alszus Cürrywurst
Dafür gibt es jetzt Richtig-Essen-Erfahrungstage 
der Gutes-aus-Deutschland Made in EU mbH
Aber mehr gibt es nicht
Aktivier dich!
Gib deren Senf dazu
Dafür, dafür
Fürs Wünschen und Begehren gibt es hier keine Form
Das ist doch nur ein Dispositiv
Ich sehe mir Diapositive von 1972 an
An einen halben Meter lange Würstchen komme ich nicht ran
Stopfen wir ihnen den Mund
Bratwürstchen für Bedürftige
Du hast keine Ahnung, Du glaubst an moderne Mahnerei
Ich bin ja so ehrlich und demokratisch
Ein wenig Kochkunst hilft hier weiter
Aber nichts wird so heiss gegessen
Im Sommer, im Juni
Wo bleibt der Service? Der Besucher ist Kunde, der Kunde ist der Läufer
Das billigste Ticket kostet 5 EURO
Das ist er auch schon, der Gestaltungsspielraum
Du opferst 2 Mittagessen für Kunstkacke
Hobbysozialarbeiter betreuen dich
Carmen tanz! Ferrán mach den Stier!
Doch die Zeichen gehören nicht dir
Die Brötchen musst du dir erst verdienen
Would you like to participate in an artistic experience?
Im Museum des Grafen, der dafür vor 120 Jahren Soldaten an England 
Die Bank von nebenan sponsort mit deinem Geld
Wir machen eine intranslokale Würstchenbude auf, 
fahren dann wie Nomaden mit dem Caravan immer an der Bannmeile der 
Großveranstaltung entlang und vergessen den Artismus dabei, 
denn die schöne autonome       gibt es nicht
Hier kannst du mit deiner selbstgemachten Scheisse migrieren, 
du Arschloch
Der König und seine Königin bestimmen was als im System noch 
Was dich nicht interessiert interessiert mich nicht
Und der immobile Mob, der nie in New York, Ljubljana, 
Mexico City oder Dakar war, darf partizipieren / partyfizieren
Punst und Kolitik überall - wohin soll man gehen, was kann man machen?
Soll man machen, hat man die Wahl?
Ich weiß, was du machen kannst: diese Show verlassen 
und endlich die eigene Welt-Schau anfangen 
und das sogenannte blosse Leben dem Zirkus überlassen, 
der alle Jahre wieder kommt
Raus aus deinem Bratwurst-Atelier
Rein in das Call-Center von QVC
Da geht doch was
12 Striche? Mach 3 Xe!
In 2006 setzte die Computerspiele-Industrie 1,77 Milliarden um
20 Mio. für die Kunstkacke sind nur Peanuts
Kultur ist Kulisse, bezahlt aus den Fonds der Profite
Kunst und Kultur - ein veraltetes Scheinreich an der Märchenstrasse
KuK, KuK, KuK
Und solltest du Fragen zu diesen Bereichen haben, wende dich bitte an
+49 561 70 72 70 
oder an bibuc.ks und Leute, die jetzt angekommen sind
Die jetzt angekommen sind
Die jetzt angekommen sind
Die jetzt angekommen sind
Die jetzt angekommen sind

(c) 14.06.2007 n0name



Nachricht eines eBayMitglieds

Wo bleibt mein Geld?



In the Negativ(e)land

An E-Mailconversation

No No Logo Band

I am an acitivist
Chumba chumba
Don't go Negativland
Make up your own own band
Don't pay No Logo Bands
The shit is at your hand
Don't licence Creative Commons
Lessig is a middle class punk
Stealing is just not producing
There is no business like no-business
This is not Fiat [fIut]

(c) 38317


From:    mark / negativland <markhosler(at)gmail.com>
To:      Matze Schmidt <matze.schmidt(at)n0name.de>
Date:    Thursday, June 7, 2007, 8:29:55 PM
Subject: No No Logo Band - Negativland

Thanks for sending! What prompted you to make this?  We don't entirely 
agree with Creative Commons either, BTW, but still think there are some 
good things about what they are doing.

Don't know how well you know our work, but we don't just steal things. 
All of our our work (with the exception of the NO BUSINESS project, 
which is 100% stolen audio), is always a mix of original material 
collaged together with found stuff.


On May 24, 2007, at 7:04 AM, Matze Schmidt wrote:
>   ____________
> /C___________/
> No No Logo Band
> Negativland

©  © © © © © 
© © © © © © © © © © © © © © © © © © © © © © © © © © © © © © © © © ©
Please note that my new e-mail address, thoroughly monitored by 
advertisers and the US government, is -



From:    Matze Schmidt <matze.schmidt(at)n0name.de>
To:      mark / negativland <markhosler(at)gmail.com>
Date:    Thursday, June 7, 2007, 9:37:49 PM
Subject: No No Logo Band - Negativland

thanks for mailing me,

well, my idea of the work of yours is not quite grounded, since i only
know "THE" negativland. i don't know your work better as i probably know
mine. i only know about negativland what _i got from the media_ (ok,
this is a common ground phrase).

i was not in the show in berlin, but i heard my friends realy enjoyed
it. this live-radio show was what they expected ...and here the
'trouble' starts.

i saw/see that negativland is somehow positioned - by whom? - in the
field of this no logo-'movement', which i find very on the surface of
the problems of capitalism because it only describes the very surface of
the wares-system without taking into acccount the deeper structures
(e.g. surplus value production and private property of means of
production ). but the problem is not so much that you (negativland) are
supposed to be the band of the anti-copyright - since the legendary
plunderphonics days and the phonecalls with u2 - which was great. the
problem is, that negativland functions *in fact* like a cipher for 
resistance against the authentic, against the origin and as a code pro
re-appropriation of cultural material at all. you (negativland) became a
sort of symbol for (quote:) "no-business". but there is no such thing as
"no-business". you have business by making profit, or you have no
business by making no profit, and you have small business making less or
nearly no profit. but is there any biz of a small capitalist that's
good? is the bakeshop around the corner good because it does not exploit
the employee? hell, i still have to pay for the roll. and what's funny:
the baker itself has to pay for the roll too. therefore there is no
such biz like "no-business". but biz is not 'bad' as it is not 'good'.
it is just the mode of social organization we have to end.

in short: this idea of alternative business, this no-business, also
called alternative economy or informal economy is an illusion of
reformerists because of several reasons. the most important reason is
the capital itself (capital as the current social condition and context
of most societies). it will never stop making profit for profit's sake,
with or without (... you; another quote ;) ) those robinson crusoe
islands ("This is not Fiat") of a better biz, no matter if it is
original material or pirated material or "original pirated material"
(the streets).

so that's why - i'm sorry - i attack negativland as a sign and symbol
for alternative economy.


From:    mark / negativland <markhosler(at)gmail.com>
To:      Matze Schmidt <matze.schmidt(at)n0name.de>
Date:    Friday, June 8, 2007, 12:09:49 AM
Subject: No No Logo Band - Negativland

We also agree that the whole "culture jamming" movement" as promoted by  
places like ADBUSTERS does not dig deep enough to the underlying  
issues- capitalism itslef, teh very legal nature of what corporations  
are, and the way money influences politics so that we have no democracy  
at all.  In fact, we've spoken about this in interviews and in lectures  
to the public.

  If you ever *buy* ( ha ha) a copy of our NO BUSINESS release, you can  
read the appendix to the 15,000 word essay in it. In this appendix we  
zoom out to a  much bigger picture. You may or may not agree with our  
conclusions, but  we do take a complex  point of view on all this  
stuff. If all you know about is from reading the press and not actually  
experiencing our work, then, yes, of course yo wont know that much  
about what we do! :) Why would would want to attack directly, when yo  
seem to be offend not bby the actual work, but by the way the media  
talks about it? Much better to address  and attack the way the media  
describes as this. These are very  legitimate criticisms to make, I  

> thanks for mailing me,
> well, my idea of the work of yours is not quite grounded, since i only
> know "THE" negativland. i don't know your work better as i probably  
> know
> mine. i only know about negativland what _i got from the media_ (ok,
> this is a common ground phrase).
> i was not in the show in berlin, but i heard my friends realy enjoyed
> it. this live-radio show was what they expected ...and here the
> 'trouble' starts.
> i saw/see that negativland is somehow positioned - by whom? - in the
> field of this no logo-'movement', which i find very on the surface of
> the problems of capitalism because it only describes the very surface
> of
> the wares-system without taking into acccount the deeper structures
> (e.g. surplus value production and private property of means of
> production ).

Have you actually NO LOGO? If not, you really should before you decide  
the author fucked up.

> but the problem is not so much that you (negativland) are
> supposed to be the band of the anti-copyright - since the legendary
> plunderphonics days and the phonecalls with u2 - which was great. the
> problem is, that negativland functions *in fact* like a cipher for
> resistance against the authentic, against the origin and as a code 
> pro
> re-appropriation of cultural material at all.

That is an interesting way to think about our work. Do you know anyone  
who agrees with this point of view?? Just curious.

> you (negativland) became a
> sort of symbol for (quote:) "no-business".

Funny. Clearly we are a symbol of that to you. But not to ourselves!!  
:) We have to make a little money so we can eat! We cannot afford to  
perform for free, for example. There is very little support for the  
arts in the USA.  It's a constant struggle.

> but there is no such thing as
> "no-business". you have business by making profit, or you have no
> business by making no profit, and you have small business making less  
> or
> nearly no profit. but is there any biz of a small capitalist that's
> good? is the bakeshop around the corner good because it does not  
> exploit
> the employee? hell, i still have to pay for the roll. and what's 
> funny:
> the baker itself has to pay for the roll too. therefore there is no
> such biz like "no-business". but biz is not 'bad' as it is not 'good'.
> it is just the mode of social organization we have to end.
> in short: this idea of alternative business, this no-business, also
> called alternative economy

That is not something we have ever suggested in our work, though.   
Sadly, there seems to be no escaping capitalism. The question is, can  
there be capitalism that does not hurt people and the planet? What do  
you think?

> or informal economy is an illusion of
> reformerists because of several reasons. the most important reason is
> the capital itself (capital as the current social condition and 
> context
> of most societies). it will never stop making profit for profit's 
> sake,
> with or without (... you; another quote ;) ) those robinson crusoe
> islands ("This is not Fiat") of a better biz, no matter if it is
> original material or pirated material or "original pirated material"
> (the streets).
> so that's why - i'm sorry - i attack negativland as a sign and symbol
> for alternative economy.

Well, it is amazing to me that we seem to be all those things to you!!  


From:    Matze Schmidt <matze.schmidt(at)n0name.de>
To:      mark / negativland <markhosler(at)gmail.com>
Date:    Friday, June 8, 2007, 12:38:43 PM
Subject: No No Logo Band - Negativland

that you (negativland) have spoken to the public is a fine manner (sorry
for my cynicism). i speak with public too ;) and the public, what
public?, speaks to me.

> In fact, we've spoken about this in interviews and in lectures
> to the public.

>   If you ever *buy* ( ha ha) a copy of our NO BUSINESS release, you 
> can  
> read the appendix to the 15,000 word essay in it.

could you mail to me these 15,000 words as pdf? i'm not joking. because
i will never buy an official copy of no business ...think i got the
audio stuff already via torrent (or maybe it's included in this
copy-copy?). and in fact, i did pay my computer, my dsl account, the
rent, electricity and so on for getting this copy-copy of the "no
business" release. please check another pro-ject dealing with cycles
like that (ACHTUNG! ad): http://www.n0name.de/kapitalkreislauf
as payback i'd send you some CDs with the tracks of this work.

> Funny. Clearly we are a symbol of that to you. But not to ourselves!!

you (negativland) are a symbol not only to me personally but to what
we call the public. and yourselves (negativland) - excuse me for always
using this word-loop about you and your symbol - are part of it. the
relation is not that there is some 'you' and the rest of some listeners.
negativland's radio show consists of people listening and negativland
playing. actually the people listening are playing too. they are playing
the listeners of the show. this is one reason for the slight change in
spectacle today, as i think; the structural reason for live shows
becoming more or less more important than the copy of the releases
consumed. or as marx (tattaa!) said: the production produces the

"Production [...] produces the object of consumption, the
manner of consumption and the motive of consumption. Consumption 
likewise produces the producer's inclination by beckoning to him as 
an aim-determining need." (http://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/

so not the consumer produces the production, like naomi klein and others
suggest with their greenpeacy consumerism. it the other way round, it is
all based on production and surplus labor. what about thinking of this
first instead of asking for a good (governance?) capitalism?

> The question is, can
> there be capitalism that does not hurt people and the planet? What do
> you think?

i am thinking euros and not dollars... ;)

> the way money influences politics

mh, that's exactly the superficial no logo-theory. the money is the
effect, the fetish, not the drive. the brand is the image and part of
the commodity, but the commodity is for surplus value only. the hole
criticism baout brands (the nike discourse) doesn't get the point of the
base of the mode of production.

> We have to make a little money so we can eat! We cannot afford to
> perform for free

no-body can perform for free, man ;)

>> or informal economy is an illusion of
>> reformerists because of several reasons. the most important reason is
>> the capital itself (capital as the current social condition and 
>> context
>> of most societies). it will never stop making profit for profit's 
>> sake,
>> with or without (... you; another quote ;) ) those robinson crusoe
>> islands ("This is not Fiat") of a better biz, no matter if it is
>> original material or pirated material or "original pirated material"
>> (the streets).
>> so that's why - i'm sorry - i attack negativland as a sign and symbol
>> for alternative economy.

> Well, it is amazing to me that we seem to be all those things to you!!

i'm trying to discuss here :) i am not suggesting. it is not just that
simple relationship of _you and me_. it is you (negativland) as a
sign/symbol/code and someone who's talking in a not very complex way 
this relationship and the function of a project bringing up things about
biz and (c).

> Have you actually NO LOGO?

yes, but not the paberback - sometimes the copy-culture helps.


From:    Matze Schmidt <matze.schmidt(at)n0name.de>
To:      mark / negativland <markhosler(at)gmail.com>
Date:    Friday, June 8, 2007, 8:21:58 AM
Subject: No No Logo Band - Negativland

if you're d'accord i'd like to quote our short dialogue so far in the
n0name newsletter [...].


From:    mark / negativland <markhosler(at)gmail.com>
To:      Matze Schmidt <matze.schmidt(at)n0name.de>
Date:    Friday, June 8, 2007, 9:47:36 AM
Subject: No No Logo Band - Negativland
Files:   message.att

sure, but fix my typos!!  :)

And I look forward to your replies.

And Don might have something to add to this as well. I sent him our 


Not From:    Matze Schmidt <matze.schmidt(at)n0name.de>
To:      mark / negativland <markhosler(at)gmail.com>
Date:    Friday, June 8, 2007, 8:21:58 AM
Subject: No No Logo Band - Negativland

> sure, but fix my typos!!  :)

I'm sorry that I didn't

Matze Schmidt


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Rezension von Sabine Nuss. _Copyright & Copyriot_ 19

Der 'konkurrenz'-kapitalistische Charakter des grossen (c) kommt in 
der klaren Ansage des deutschen Kapitals, welches gerade in extremem 
Masz auf auslaendische Rohstoffe angewiesen ist, heraus:

"Gesetzesentwurf zufolge könnten die Rechteinhaber heutzutage im 
Gegensatz zu früher ihre Werke durch technische Sperren vor 
unautorisiertem Vervielfältigen und Weitergeben schützen. Würde man 
diese Sperren nun wieder entfernen dür-fen, wäre die Möglichkeit der 
Verwertung beeinträchtigt, so die Begründung:

„Es darf nicht sein, dass ein kostenloser Genuß von geistigem Eigentum 
für den Verbrau-cher zur Regel wird. Es gilt vielmehr, auch durch die 
Regelung der Privatkopie zu vermit-teln, dass geistiges Eigentum - wie 
Sacheigentum - seinen Preis hat. Gerade Deutschland als rohstoffarmes 
Land ist auf einen entsprechenden gesellschaftlichen Konsens angewie-
sen. Nur wenn das Ergebnis von Kreativität angemessen bezahlt wird, 
wird es auch künf-tig Inhalte geben, die vom Verbraucher genutzt 
werden können" (Kopienbrauchen Originale.de 2005a).

In der Urheberrechtsnovelle spiegelt sich einigen Autoren zufolge der 
Einfluss der Verwertungsindustrie nicht nur „in der inhaltlichen 
Ausgestaltung der inter-nationalrechtlichen Vorgaben wider, sondern in 
gleichem Maße auch in der deut-schen Urheberrechtsnovelle" 
(Nitschke 2004: o. S.). Allerdings konnte auch die Industrie ihr 
Interesse nicht vollumfänglich durchsetzen, so favorisierte die pho-
nographische Wirtschaft, nur noch die analoge Privatkopie von Musik 
zuzulas-sen (Kopien brauchen Originale.de 2005c) und eine digitale 
Privatkopie zu ver-bieten. Auch der Bundesverband der 
Informationswirtschaft, Telekommunikati-on und Neue Medien e.V. sprach 
sich dagegen aus, dass das Internet in die Pauschal-vergütung für die 
Privatkopie einbezogen werden würde: „weil es sich hier immer entweder 
um rechtswidrige oder um direkt gegen Entgelt oder kostenlos 
lizenzier-te Inhalte handelt" (BITKOM 2004: 1). Dies ist aus der 
Perspektive der Industrie rational, denn sie geht davon aus, dass im 
Falle von rechtswidrigen oder kosten-losen Inhalten eine 
Kompensationsleistung entfällt und im Falle von Einzellizen-zierungen 
das Werk direkt verwertet wird und daher nicht pauschal vergütet wer-
den muss.
  Digitale Privatkopien bleiben dem Referentenentwurf zufolge aber 
grundsätz-lich erlaubt (dies ist nicht gleichzusetzen mit ein „Recht 
darauf` zu haben52), da es nicht gewährleistet sei, dass in Zukunft 
nur noch geschützte Tonträger auf den Markt kommen werden. Wenn damit 
die Vervielfältigung von urheberechtlich
52 In einem Interview mit dem Computermagazin c't sagt Zypries, dass 
   es zwar ein Recht auf digitale und analoge Privatkopie gäbe, 
   allerdings nur, solange dieses Recht tech-nisch nicht unterbunden 
   wird: „Genau das ist doch die Idee des Urheberrechts! Das 
   Urheberrecht sagt nichts anderes, als dass der Rechteinhaber mit 
   seinem Recht umge-hen und es verwerten kann" (Zypries in Sietmann 
   2004: 161). Wenn ein Musikverwert-er online Musik anbietet, ist es 
   demnach urheberrechtlich legitim, wenn er die Verviel-fältigung mit 
   entsprechender Technologie egal wie weit einschränkt. Auf die 
   Frage von c't, ob es denn kein Recht auf Privatkopie gäbe, 
   antwortet sie klar und bestimmt: „Nein, das Urheberrecht kennt kein 
   Recht auf Privatkopie" (Zypries in Sietmann 2004: 161).


Ali Emas/Matze Schmidt

Sabine Nuss. _Copyright & Copyriot: Aneignungskonflikte um geistiges 
Eigentum im informationellen Kapitalismus_. Muenster: Westfaelisches 
Dampboot, 2006. 269 S. - EURO 19,90. Erschienen: Oktober 2006

Volltext-Archiv aller im Buch verwendeten elektronischen Quellen (ca. 
20 MB)



A Memex Wall
Superfactory(TM) & mi_ga

lauf.werk . tmp . data.rescue .
fr 22. - so 24. juni 07
eroeffnung fr 18 Uhr
medien.projekt.raum /tmp
luetzowstr 20 . d - 10785 berlin
u-bahn kurfürstentrasse

A Memex Wall
Superfactory(TM) in a cooperation with mi_ga

Rapid flow of letters and numbers on a monitor wall has nothing to do
with chaos theory which can cause big disruptions in our world. It has
also nothing to do with hackers world as one would like to say. Thus we
show the monitor wall within a context of "memex game" a "memory
extender" game, the term of which was used to call a proto-hypertext
computer system influencing the development of subsequential hypertext
and intellectual augmenting computer systems. A "memex game" is a visual
translation of that complex systems proposed by Vannevar Bush back in
1945. Here you get to know exciting people of the scene - the hacker
artisan, the peer-to-peer operaist, the open source ego, etc. - all
necessary to build up a more or less complex structure of contemporary
economy and politics. The monitor wall or a Bookshelf how originally was
called, represents a network traffic translated into descriptive form,
so the unseen side of "networking" would be understandable or at least
readable. In a technical terms the flow of letters and numbers on the
monitors would sound like 'tcpdump', a common computer network debugging

In the game you have to find certain motives with as few clicks as
possible and as quick as possible. With click on 'neues Spiel' (new
game) for a short time nine pictures are shown, whose situation must be
reminded! You start the game with 100 points, each second is started one
point is taken and each wrong click costs 3 points. Score as much points
as possible and be a winner! Much fun and success!

ASCII MEMEX Game "Be A Winner!"


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Nick. _Roman_ (Fortsetzungsroman) Teil 75

Dabei war der Faktor Noise, Noise, Noise und nochmal Noise so gross, 
dass er keine Chance sah, weiterzukommen.
Das Apokalypse-Theorem sah hier ein Ende und einen Anfang vor.
Aber wo blieb der Anfang?

Teil 76 im n0name newsletter #116


Sie erhalten den n0name newsletter, weil sie da sind!/You get the 
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Dank an >top e.V.

------------------ Ende des n0name newsletter #115 -------------------

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