[syndicate] men & bombs segment...

marc marc.garrett at furtherfield.org
Thu May 11 13:58:40 CEST 2006

Hi Frederic,

You know what Frederick - the male in the piece does look as though he 
is farting out, an nuclear explosion, although, to be honest - it was 
not intentional at the time. It looks quite funny really. Whilst 
creating it, my subconscious must of decided that I needed to put a joke 
in there, without a part of myself even being conscious of it...

 >simply I thought that in this piece you seem to be shaking a fist at 
 >in particular, someone like george bush, also trying to adress the type of
 >person that is george bush making it generic, and shaking the stick at the
 >appearance of (I use quotes on purpose here) "george bush", the appearance
 >being that he believes in god and the power of his own position, that 
he is


Yes- this is definitely aimed at Bush but, it is also aimed at violent 
males who get off on killing and hurting people, civilians of the world 
as well. It is also a rant against my step-father who was extremely 
violent. Here's a story I wrote about him a while back...

It is a kind rant against the archetypal who seem to be caught up in a 
kind of habitual autism, imposing mechanistinic structures to contain 
the globe via corporational greed, power and absolute violence to 
humanity - whether it be gene patenting, bombs, wifebeating - or remaing 
top boss.

And yes, capitalism is also part of the problem here, in respect of the 
imposed monolithic frameworks and soul destroying processes that 
religion has also fooled so many light-headed individuals on - the world 
has not changed, only the toys that we play with it seems...

You might find this one intriging also...
(Internet explorer for best performance).

more info...

THe Men & Bombs site itself - 
http://www.furtherfield.org/mgarrett/men_&_bombs/ is a collection of cut 
up, collaged images found originally on the Internet and constructed 
using DHTML. Everything featured, including the music is using the 
Internet as a resource & useful palette to form, sculpt, create visual 
and dynamic content. Everything has either been remixed or changed in 
accordance to the main themes - atomic energy, masculinity, bloodlust, 
misogyny, sadism, sex, desire, fashion, heroism, lust, bravado, 
weaponry, murder etc.

Some of the text featured on this site are informational texts about 
atomic fallout as well as military data. The more poetic text's are my 
own, such as 'werza' and other slogans.

The whole site is in greyscale. This is because I wanted to explore 
various aspects of masculinity & man's relationship with war & bombs 
without necessarily using obvious, sensationalistic methods. Although 
there are scenes that will be seen or thought of as extreme, I felt the 
need to somehow be respectful to those valuable lives lost in the name 
of War & not being blindly exploitative in my approach. It seems that 
taking colour out of the piece offers more depth & the viewer now has 
more space for contemplation around the subject matter. Also, you will 
not find any imges of dead people on the site, which is a conscious 
decision, thus avoiding mediating the lives of those murdered, for my 
own personal (so called artistic) gain.

The music is a soundscape that I have created influenced by a record I 
heard years ago by the excellent Anarchist punk band called 'Crass'. My 
soundtrack, is a much more incidental & quiet piece but still capturing 
the flavour of their song 'Nagasaki Nightmare'.

At present - it is best being viewed in Internet Explorer, for the 
Javascripts. Although, when I find time I do intend to update the 
scripts so that it can be seen correctly in other browsers.


>>yeah right - what about it?
>well, I suppose it's an answer to my question
>simply I thought that in this piece you seem to be shaking a fist at someone
>in particular, someone like george bush, also trying to adress the type of
>person that is george bush making it generic, and shaking the stick at the
>appearance of (I use quotes on purpose here) "george bush", the appearance
>being that he believes in god and the power of his own position, that he is
>I think the great part of this piece is the luminescent backdrop, throbbing,
>because it shows imminent menace quite well
>but I don't relate to the text because it fails to look at the real issue
>which is the domination of capitalism, it avoids it and hits at the puppet
>which is a bit tired but maybe not for everybody
>mmm, about the image, it is a naked person farting, right
>farting a bomb
>"fart bomb", I think this exists in english (boule puante),
>well, I don't like the idea of including farts in art
>but that's just me
>>>Quoting marc <marc.garrett at furtherfield.org>:
>>>>men & bombs segment...
>>>what about capitalism ?
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