[syndicate] Vampire Fodder...

eyescratch at gmail.com eyescratch at gmail.com
Mon Aug 28 20:35:31 CEST 2006


remember '91 sitting day after night on the steps near bahnhof zoo, a 
punk crew from liverpool getting pissed, chasing away the vamps who 
came to hang, and every once in a while smashing the cameras of italien 
tourists who got to overzealous taking pictures of the neon-colored 
mohawks. beautiful parrots with the prolle-speak cockney. I had nothing 
to worry about cuz I was sporting dreads and after being approached 
every five minutes made quite a expression connecting those tourists 
with a hash connection down the block and around the corner, always 
breaking off a little piece. but later on the s-bahn back east dazed 
and focused, avoiding the east possies of skinheads roaming the 
platform at ost-kreuz. luck would have it they got on the same train in 
the next car. suddenly there was a ruckus next door and at the next 
stop a bunch of tall disheveled swedish tourists with backpack and such 
heading to the airport come scurrying over to our car. Sitting there I 
waited for the end cuz I still had to transfer to go further east. Got 
off, then them too. never run. the first crew too drunk, but muttering 
as I sat the other way on the backless bench with them, wearing a 
band-aid on his dome, Ich will ihn zusammenschlagen. I was thinking of 
skipping over the tracks to get lost in darkness. But not moving, 
already dead it seemed I sat, the rest of the people far away on the 
platform, just able to catch the train if it came, looking over at what 
might happen. then these left on another train to go plattenbauten. 
just time for a sigh, another crew showed up from no where. seems these 
blond and blue eyed with the floppy part just wanted to connect like 
everyone else. so we talked waiting for the train, them asking what the 
patch atomkraft nein danke meant - kein kraft kein kraft?

and then?


             .another dose chance to quiet down.[...]

who r u?

wear u @?

wear u >><<?

wear u <<>>?

will u just be staying a few days?

On Aug 27, 2006, at 9:09 PM, marc wrote:

> Vampire Fodder...
> A vampire has lived with us through the centuries
> cursing our desires for autonomy, sucking at our
> potential to be what we want to be, blinding us
> from being, from being, sucking our souls dry
> spitting out, regurgitating our pain back at us...
> we consume your bile with our weak-minded mouths
> knowing that you'd feed us if we did what was needed
> demanded, of a child who had to be disciplined and
> taught the ways of the world, and 'you are the world',
> and we, we, are its currency, wanted dead or alive
> We are the nourishment of your feed, the hunted and
> tasty morsel, inviting you to lick your murderous lips
> we are 'finger licking good', packaged and processed
> to fit the double-sized pack, double wrapped, stamped
> and priced, appropriatedly stored and then ignored
> left in a market, positioned in catagories like frozen
> stakes, chewy and gristly, yet tasty when turned over
> a spittle, roasted and seasoned, stuffed with dreams
> we are deluded, lost in a world that has no truths or
> solid reason - we are nothing but children suckling...
> .
> .
> .
> .
> .
> .
> .
> .
> ...on hope...........................................
> a poem to George Bush and similar scum - by Marc Garrett.

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