[syndicate] Vampire Fodder...

marc marc.garrett at furtherfield.org
Mon Aug 28 03:09:15 CEST 2006

Vampire Fodder...

A vampire has lived with us through the centuries
cursing our desires for autonomy, sucking at our
potential to be what we want to be, blinding us
from being, from being, sucking our souls dry
spitting out, regurgitating our pain back at us...

we consume your bile with our weak-minded mouths
knowing that you'd feed us if we did what was needed
demanded, of a child who had to be disciplined and
taught the ways of the world, and 'you are the world',
and we, we, are its currency, wanted dead or alive

We are the nourishment of your feed, the hunted and
tasty morsel, inviting you to lick your murderous lips
we are 'finger licking good', packaged and processed
to fit the double-sized pack, double wrapped, stamped
and priced, appropriatedly stored and then ignored

left in a market, positioned in catagories like frozen
stakes, chewy and gristly, yet tasty when turned over
a spittle, roasted and seasoned, stuffed with dreams
we are deluded, lost in a world that has no truths or
solid reason - we are nothing but children suckling...
...on hope...........................................

a poem to George Bush and similar scum - by Marc Garrett.

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