
Alan Sondheim sondheim at
Fri Sep 23 23:43:38 CEST 2005


thoughtless and riding the perfect trolley, suspended in the perfect air,
no exhaust and no pollution, suspended travel, the rail-blink of an eye

This thoughtless and riding the perfect trolley, suspended in the perfect
air, no exhaust and no pollution, suspended travel, the rail-blink of an
eye speeds endlessly through the body - Your heroin is the currency of
your drug - Ah...

Your lost-body-skins are your me? naked with lost body skins, ultimate me,
seated alongside my love of seventy years standing, little requirements
but the sound of the iron wheels on the iron rails, trolley-pole
circuiting around us, electric conflagration tamed for the languor of the
traveling vector and cool breezes through the oaken open windows

I love these feelings, thoughtless and riding the perfect trolley,
suspended in the perfect air, no exhaust and no pollution, suspended
travel, the rail-blink of an eye ...

highs you me inside-you your me!

What do you call your cock heroin? bliss, if it could be called that,
riding such rails, slight aerial ozone and promise of practical sparks, my
arm around her wainscoted waist, if i were grant the forfeiture of

thoughtless and riding the perfect trolley, suspended in the perfect air,
no exhaust, pollution, suspended travel, the rail-blink of an eye, bliss,
if it could be called that, riding such rails, slight aerial ozone and
promise of practical sparks, my arm around her wainscoted waist, if i
were grant the forfeiture of heaven... opens my directory! Your drugs -
pacific electric laurel line red cars trackless trolley My pacific
electric is yours... bliss, if it could be called that, riding such rails,
slight aerial ozone and promise of practical sparks, my arm around her
wainscoted waist, if i were grant the forfeiture of heaven... makes me
read in meditation 8042 times!

bliss, if it could be called that, riding such rails, slight aerial ozone
and promise of practical sparks, my arm around her wainscoted waist, if i
were grant the forfeiture of heaven... calls forth into floors, eating,
core-dumping. put-you-in-me the she, bliss, if it could be called that,
riding such rails, slight aerial ozone and promise of practical sparks, my
arm around her wainscoted waist, if i were grant the forfeiture of
heaven... is , 019], naked with lost body skins, ultimate me, seated
alongside my love of seventy years standing, little requirements but the
sound of the iron wheels on the iron rails, trolley-pole circuiting around
us, electric conflagration tamed for the languor of the traveling vector
and cool breezes through the oaken open windows? ... floors is trackless
trolley here, it's floors?

Are you properly compiling bliss, if it could be called that, riding such
rails, slight aerial ozone and promise of practical sparks, my arm around
her wainscoted waist, if i were grant the forfeiture of heaven...? yes,
her long brown tresses held by naught and of the wind! Your death-trip is

the enfolding of the trolley

:cc:my hunger takes the electric
Your world  is in my ties

Your crawled connects my with needle park bliss, if it could be called
that, riding such rails, slight aerial ozone and promise of practical
sparks, my arm around her wainscoted waist, if i were grant the
forfeiture of heaven...:naked with lost body skins, ultimate me, seated
alongside my love of seventy years standing, little requirements but the
sound of the iron wheels on the iron rails, trolley-pole circuiting around
us, electric conflagration tamed for the languor of the traveling vector
and cool breezes through the oaken open windows:thoughtless and riding the
perfect trolley, suspended in the perfect air, no exhaust and no
pollution, suspended travel, the rail-blink of an eye:laurel line: Come
with me, bliss, if it could be called that, riding such rails, slight
aerial ozone and promise of practical sparks, my arm around her
wainscoted waist, if i were grant the forfeiture of heaven..., beautiful


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