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claudia westermann media at ezaic.de
Sat Oct 15 23:13:09 CEST 2005

>life is killing. accept it


there is no hierarchy of guilt ?

>dont parade about like that .no MOTHER FUCKER who posts _once per year
>to inform the world about his pitiful undertakings
>against the powers that be - himself - proclaiming
>their gov financed refuse the new liberty

I suspect you are only to some extent complaining
about the moral superiority that is claimed by every (democratic) state
and those who are paid by it, politicians as well as artists


whose function is it to secure liberty ? as well as fraternity or 
equality for example ?


I suspect the claim for the "new" is not based on the fact that the 
governments are funding the development of Open Source Software

(how many or who actually gets paid for the work they are doing on 
Open Source software projects ?)
the claim for moral superiority is possibly based on the assumption 
that NO money transfer takes place ?

(money = guilt )

is this "new" ?

and then

is giving to everyone a sign for moral superiority (and liberty) ?


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