\\ 8th International Snowflake Conference - pro EU enlargement

integer at www.god-emil.dk integer at www.god-emil.dk
Mon Nov 28 04:22:31 CET 2005

\9\ [c]ccp labor time - 199o

                My name is written in my eyes !!!

                If sex evolved so that your children are not condemned to be
                just like you - intelligence evolved so that you are not condemned 
                to be just like you r self.

                        one tube. one pipeting set. one b\i\o.die

Extensive creativity experience can impede.
The corollary discharge of neurons that 
control eye movements play an equally active role. 
It is more productive to remain unfamiliar
although the familiar structures the imagination.

Life is the process of collecting energy 4 temporary reasons of survival \+\ reproduction. 
I am not designed to be. I am condemned to vapourise on the moment of waking ...

                                ! am dze thema ov z!metr! 
                                kourszd b! !l!mtd analog!

                                ! am 4rom all po!ntz ov v!eu 
                                z!m!lr 2 m!.zelv

                                !d quod !nfer!uz
                                z!kut quod zuper!uz

How one believes the world works - shapes one's methods.  
If one careful isn't, one's methods shape one's beliefs -
to paraphrase 01 other - democracy is always at risk of drowning in its own semen.

The problem is not so much that this insidious process takes place, 
rather that humans aren't continuously aware that this process isn't intermittent.

   the.stabilization of western economy. democracy + its moral fibre.
   totally. radically + permanently++ is our future planar simulacrum
   the aperiodic crystals intertangled in2 1x translucent white 
   thermoformed flexible polythene les clichés sont l¹a\r\mour
   la verite because you live in a dream. the successive shock
   side.real cold forget.full.ness ov 

                \\  8th International Snowflake Conference

the carapace is shed for naked body contact.
what is then edible +?
a scholarly way of saying ___....

         my two hinged shells

               a tongue like foot of muscle

         oxygen and food rich water down in its hideout

         suspicions are correct

         a purposeful invention


         my last centimeter emits a throw of dice

         the masterpiece my leaves is light

                a particle

                and wave

                ... simultaneously

                                             n      n
                             n      n
                                                  v3kt0r.r2!n - ztra!ng !n 2 dze z!ngular!t!
Netochka Nezvanova    - karesz!ng dze vektor!szd 4th d!menz!on.
                                                       |  +----------
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                                     \\----------------+  |  n2t
                                                         |       >

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