[syndicate] \\TRUE LAHV never goes out

dolmensniper at free.fr dolmensniper at free.fr
Thu Nov 10 23:51:12 CET 2005

tnx clemos
im going to check that.

what i want to do is more something like a vsti one can play live from a basic
surface control, like an ms 20 emulation _ i have a real one and it rules - but
using data flows from the net converted into waves. and more complex ideas, like
random sequences, random harmonics, all of that being generated by the net flow.
of course the conversion algorithm is not the point. the point is to make an
instrument from that.

tnx again,


Selon clemos <cl3mos at gmail.com>:

> for pix=>music conversions, check this:
> http://www.bram.org/sound/soundmaps_download.html
> which seems to fit perfectly to your wishes...
> and there is this one too, which is kind of cool, maybe less flexible:
> http://www.nullpointer.co.uk/-/bmpseq.htm
> ++++
> clemos

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