[syndicate] Baudrillard on riots, on EU referendum, etc.

Frederic Madre fmadre at free.fr
Sun Nov 20 13:25:14 CET 2005


The new signs of negation multiplying in the economically developed
countries, signs which are misunderstood and falsified by spectacular
arrangement, already enable us to draw the conclusion that a new epoch has
begun: now, after the workers' first attempt at subversion,it is capitalist
abundance which has failed. When anti-union struggles of Western workers are
repressed first of all by unions, and when the first amorphous protests
launched by rebellious currents of youth directly imply the rejection of the
old specialized politics, of art and of daily life, we see two sides of a
new spontaneous struggle which begins under a criminal guise. These are the
portents of a second proletarian assault against class society. When the
last children of this still immobile army reappear on this battleground
which was altered and yet remains the same, they follow a new "General Ludd"
who, this time, urges them to destroy the machines of permitted consumption.

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