[syndicate] FW: Request to mailing list empyre rejected

Frederic Madre fmadre at free.fr
Sun Nov 20 12:55:18 CET 2005

> exactly was I said: a certain cop to my head.

the problem with you is that no matter what you receive as written text you
read what is inside your head

and, as usual, you are dodging the real conversation

- you thought I could not program and sent some extensive bullshit
conclusions from that: you then did not answer one word when challenged
about it

- you said chatonsky was a php programmer and then you back pedalled and
said he was not: you then did not answer when challenged about your
admiration for his discourse being so informed by his programming experience

- all you have to say about debord is ha ha ha I'm going into an hysteric
fit ha ha ha la tartine ah ah ah

and now I am certain that you are going to
a) go outside for a walk because the sun is shining
b) leave immediatly for bretagne on well deserved vacation because you work
so much
c) stop talking because you have important and urgent work to do because
someone else didn't do what they were supposed to do and now you have to do
everything yourself and this is an excuse to the contributors for waiting

pick one.


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