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marc marc.garrett at furtherfield.org
Thu Jun 30 15:58:23 CEST 2005

thank you for those insigtful wordz Integer...

I have reflected about them and am thankful that you have wasted your 
valuable time on me.


>marc <marc.garrett at furtherfield.org>
>>>Belief is personal.
>>and religion isn't?
>If the religion you refer to is personal than that religion is a very good thing
>>>Easier serving religion than love.
>>true - may be that is part of the problem...
>no problem is real
>>>Then you do not need friends, and we'll soon find out how much you love it.
>>That is an assumption - how do you know such a thing?
>Not knowing it is an assumption and assuming it is an assumption may lead you to belief
>>There are many forms of love, why narrow it down?
>Many forms of love narrows it down.
>One form of love widens it infinitely.
>There is only one. 
>>>let me iterate over the past - chill with the NET RELIGION evangelism
>>this sounds like a threat...
>because you are one
>>Am I to take this personally, like a gangster falling into the 
>>patriarchal trap of imposing a personal belief over another?
>you are to take it any way you wish to, or more correctly, are able to.
>>Why are you trying to stop me doing what I do - have I hurt you in some way?
>blaming other ones - shortcut to democracy
>Good life = never ask why
>If you dont trust it and stick your nose into room 99 (WHY) prepare for a thrashing
>>Net Religion? - Net political is closer...
>You are a democratic sissy is closer still
>>>marc <marc.garrett at furtherfield.org>
>>>>>do you believe in what you are doing +?
>>>>No ---------- belief is a religious thing and I do not trust religion, it is k
>>>>ling us and all of the world...
>>>Belief is personal. Not so sure about the NET behavior routine.
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