believe me hon, this took a heck of a long time to make. why i didn't

Alan Sondheim sondheim at
Thu Jun 30 06:23:45 CEST 2005

believe me hon, this took a heck of a long time to make. why i didn't
think i'd get through it. first there were all these places and some of
the images were pretty much a wreck. and i couldn't find them all that
easy; they were scattered hither and yon as anything's likely to be after
a few weeks or so. once i got the images the whole thing took on a
different character, a really big video, and i had to narrow it down for
the net. i tried over and over again with the latest software but nothing
seemed to work, so i went back to an older system. meanwhile i had to
import the sound from somewhere and it seemed thin so i doubled it,
nothing like a whoosh to give a kind of nervous quality to the whole
thing, like i was playing guitar with one too many or one not enough,
something in a between-state, i didn't know whether i was coming or going.
finally it seemed i had another masterpiece so i thought why not, i'd give
it to the public like another one of them last hurrahs that i keep having,
some call them epiphonies or something like that, seems more phony than
anything to be, but won't play on a phonograph, you know, needs one of
them newer things to make any sense out of it all. not sure there is any
sense to it but thought, heck, why not, i'd give it to the public like
another one of them last hurrahs

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