\\ jankee pond scum gregory taylor

integer at www.god-emil.dk integer at www.god-emil.dk
Fri Oct 22 06:35:40 CEST 2004

the MOTHER FUCKER kriminal slave of Cycling74 Thievery Inc. Gregory Taylor
komplaining that others are doing what he does for a living - STEAL

the MOTHER FUCKER kriminal slave of Cycling74 Thievery Inc. Gregory Taylor
has stolen the SINE.X CD and broadcasted it on his jankee radio station.

the MOTHER FUCKING kriminals at Cycling74 Thievery Inc.
have stolen + reverse engineered NATO.0+55 and are selling illegal derivatives

>Re: [max-msp] [ot] www.jetgroove.com is illegally selling music

>From: Gregory Taylor <gtaylor_at_rtqe.net> 
>Date: 10/08/04
>Message-ID: <416754A7.2000902 at rtqe.net> 
>Robert Henke wrote: 
>> as many of you may have already heard, a new online MP3 store has 
>> surfaced called jetgroove.com. since their launch on tuesday they have 
>> created quite a stir around the world with the illegal sale and 
>> marketing of many independant record label's catalogs. 12k is among 
>> those labels. 
>Thanks for the heads-up, Robert. It would appear that 
>even pond scum continues to evolve. Consider them 
>shunned in my neck of the zo?ere, and I shall relay 
>this to all. 
>Doing this to someone like 12k/LINE? Man... *that's* low. 
>Think I'll log on and buy something from 'em right now*.... 
>* my last purchase was the recent Fourcolour release, which 
>I personally found to be most pleasing?wider sonic palette 
>from the earlier all-guitar work, and nicely structured in the 
>bargain. It made some recent time in the doc set a more 
>pleasant enterprise, and has also proved to be excellent 
>bicycling iPoddery for the occasional bright and crisp fall 
>day's ride around lake Monona. Your mileage, as ever, may 
>vary. It's an excellent pedal-power source, IM

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