[syndicate] arafat

Frederic Madre fmadre at free.fr
Fri Nov 12 15:40:42 CET 2004

perhaps I'm mistaken

it just happens that since yesterday all I hear everywhere is that the death
of arafat would signal the beginning of peace
and this is one (of many) things that really gets on my tits
ariel sharon is an ugly killer and that he's not dead doesn't stop me from
thinking that he is en evil doer

other things irritating me was all the stupid brouhaha about that bigot
buttiglione and how it was a fantastic victory for european democracy that
he had to step down... meanwhile the whole barroso commission who was an
ultra-liberal bees' nest could slip in behind him. a farce!



> >you did choose
> >
> you're mistaken, man, nothing was chosen here.

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