Direct Action <<>> Worse than 9/11

Ivo Skoric ivo at
Thu Nov 4 16:24:43 CET 2004

comments inserted

On 3 Nov 2004 at 23:57, Miroslav Visic wrote:

My view:

In normal countries, the neo-fascists customary take 5% of the 
popular vote. Maybe 10% in a good year. But not 51%.

>>>Serbia 1992 = USA 2004.

How can you be the president of a country when half of her population
hates you? How can you be the president when there is only a handful
of countries where you are welcome - only by their governments?

>>>again, I have to invoke the sad Balkan example. it can last for 
quite a time.

I mean - Saddam Hussein was more liked in Iraq than GWB was on the
election day in the US.

>>>if all facts are considered (for instance, the cruelty of Saddam's 
regime to anybody who opposed it), this might not be true; BUT it is 
possible (again, Milosevic seems to have been liked by Serbs in 1992 
more than Bush is by Americans in 2004; the dislike resided there and 
here within minority groups...)

The neo-con-artists in D.C. tell us the World is better without 
Saddam (since we didn't find any WMD, some excuse is needed). If you 
look at 100,000 Iraqi civilians slaughtered by the US of A, a 1000+ 
GIs killed in Iraq ("Mission accomplished!", "Bring 'em on")), and a 
dozen of people from various countries beheaded... it's obvious that 
the World is NOT better without Saddam.

The World WAS much better place without Dubya in the White House. 
[/my lawyers advised me to formulate this statement exactly this 

>>>that is easy to confirm by historic facts. too bad that Americans 
were carried by emotion instead of reason in making their electoral 

This election signifies the further decline of the Empire. Throughout
the history, it happened to many great nations and civilizations - 
the Germans, Romans, Turks....  Sometimes the whole nations need a
psychiatrist. I knew that something was terribly wrong with the 
Serbs, in the late 80s, when they chose the vitriolic nationalism 
over having the jobs, peace, food... I knew that something was wrong 
with those Americans who chose the "moral values" over jobs, peace 
and prosperity. My dear Ohioans, and others, the next time your jobs 
go to Bangalore, Mexico, or Kuala Lumpur, please don't complain. Have 
some "moral values" for dinner instead. And pay your mortgage with 
"moral values" too.

Comment from Ivo Skoric:
ivo at

Moore's STUPID WHITE MEN re-elected Bush. I love analyzing exit-polls
and looking at the maps. a) non-whites, women that are not 
religious people that are not 'protestants' - they all predominantly
voted for Kerry; which leaves us with the majority of STUPID WHITE 
that did vote for Bush. b) very educated (postgraduate degrees) and
very little educated (no HS, or just HS) voted for Kerry, while all
those who got some education, but obviously not enough to teach them
how to think, they all voted for Bush. c) the most predictable
differentiating factor for Bush vote is income: the higher the 
the more likely that person would vote for Bush, with $50,000/year
being the breaking point: rich prefer dictatorship over democracy,
that's just a fact easily discerned from Latin American societies. d)
voting maps show wildly divided country, the entire East Coast North
of Mason-Dixon line voted Democrat (and most of the rust-belt 
and the three West Coast states voted Democrat (the closer to coast,
the more Democrat they are) - essentially, the economic engine of the
country voted for Kerry - and the entire vast rest of the US voted 
Bush. This eerily ressembles the situation in former Yugoslavia in 
1980- s, when the more developed areas where in favor of political
democratization, while 'the heartland' was for preserving the old
system at all costs, including the bloody war that ensued a couple of
years later. e) wherever there is a city, a large urban area, there
are minorities, and there is Kerry's victory - whichever state map 
open you can pin-point where is the largest urban area there, because
it is painted blue. and wherever there is a suburbian sprawl, guraded
by the narrow-minded mentality of a small town, poisoned by the Fox
News, without the advantage of buccolic imagery, poisoned by the air
pollution from all the cars, there is a vote for Bush, and more of 
same: get those criminal minority youth from inner cities to fight
wars abroad so we can perpetually consume more for less.

Comment from John Wilmerding:

 wilmerding at

On 3 Nov 2004 at 3:58, CERJ at wrote:

It is so very difficult for me to stomach the apparent results of the
US elections this time around.  I have this nasty, sinking feeling
deep in my stomach, and it just won't go away.

The worst of it is, as Mohamed has implied with his comment about
Fallujah, is that there are uncounted thousands more people around 
world who will now die violent deaths because of the results of this
latest American political travesty.  I can feel sick about this all I
want -- and I will -- but the bottom line for so very many others is
so awfully much deeper.

My friends, my beloved friends, perhaps we Americans are finally
learning the most painful lesson of all -- that the USA is no
exception to the rules that govern the life cycles of nations -- that
republics are bound to turn into despotic empires.  That certain
structures and dynamics common to all societies ultimately predispose
them toward decadency and the degeneration of democracy.

All over the world now, people who see and who understand the crimes
that are afoot -- what the USA has been doing to the rest of the 
for generations -- will now, and henceforth, mock the very word
democracy.  It has already been happening in places like Pakistan and
Afghanistan.  Now, it will happen on a much broader basis.

Where is the hope, now, my friends?  Where is the hope?

With you, I will now anxiously await the commentaries from people 
we trust the most ... people whose minds are unsullied by conflicts 
interest and whose fidelity is to the truth and to the well-being of
the greatest numbers of people.

Will you join me in willingness to pay the ultimate cost of freedom?
Our vigilance will be what is needed ... and our creative genius,
applied in ways it has never been applied before.  All bets are off
... all plans are on hold ... while we re-assess how to bring peace
into the world in the face of the US corporatist/militarist (fascist)

John Wilmerding


"There's no sense in being precise when you don't even know what
you're talking about." John von Neumann       

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