happy haloween

Ivo Skoric ivo at reporters.net
Thu Nov 4 04:18:18 CET 2004

This is very sad. All that money Onkel Soros spent, and Kerry 
conceded. Tail beetween his legs, like Serbia's opposition parties in
1992. Both countries, fresh into two wars, and floated by Moore's
proverbial 'stupid white men' (= cowards), with economy running
downhill, while the merry oligarchy grows ever richer, celebrate
certainty of their sacred mission. 

We have a leader that talks to God. Allellujah! What if God tells 
Bush to launch nuclear missiles tommorrow? The irrational factor that
drives the electoral decision is startlingly similar in Serbia - US
parallel. The instinct with which minorities vote Democrat is the gut-
feeling telling Kosovo Albanians not to vote for Serbs. It is not
politically, it is ethnically, racially based decision. Maybe 
socially liberal (= reasonable) NorthEast can secede and apply for EU
membership like Slovenia did?  

Opposing stem cell research is like opposing vivisection in 15th
century, and Aschcroft would probably burn Galileo for telling that
Earth is moving. But the news from Iraq will not be any better with
time. That's simply the reality that fantasy-based Nether-House 
choses to ignore. Oil will cost more. The debt will be bigger. By 
2008 the U.S. may be consumed by war enough for Bush to postpone 
elections. The populace will be deeper and even more thoroughly 
divided. 1968? 1863? Belgrade 2000?


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