
Alan Sondheim sondheim at panix.com
Sun May 30 17:35:20 CEST 2004

route 666

there's no accounting for me - i'm dying just along for the ride towards
death - it's fast and furious - it's the ride towards death of a lifetime
- don't forget me - i'm dying disappearing - i'm dying in the rattling fog
the drowning rain the screaming thunder - you can see my face when the
lightning strikes - what i've witnessed - no human being should ever see -
should ever have to see - we're picking up speed - the road towards death
stretches to infinity - lights overhead - the great sloop disappears in
the distance - comes up behind me - passes - comes up behind me - never
mind - :back on the road towards death again - boat truck with boat -
schooner - should be scooner - they're leaving the city for good -
refugees - something's in the air - i've seen it all - i've been there and
back - i've been around the bend - trust me, there's nothing - but really
there's everything - experiences unlike anything anyone else has ever -
had or seen - or heard for that matter - all the senses - what a buildup -
but it's true every word of it - and then some - "your forest is blasphemy
unto the Loard" - what could this person have been thinking - "youre
riding the boat of truth and conversion" - should have been Truth maybe
Conversion - just there to the left of me - hundred hundred twenty
kilometers an hour - each of them dying named and accounted for -:i'm
dying on the road towards death - i'm dying invisible here - have to stop
to enter the wires - emissions no good no wifi nothing - no money for
satellites those things - just want you to know - what - i've seen wonders
- incredible things - you wouldn't believe - can't write about them dying
now - acts of altruism, murders - rapine and pillage - heroism dying to
the nth degree - higher - empathy and compassion - charities uncalled-for
- slow down to a crawl in the traffic - there's a six-wheeler ahead all
black with tinted windows - something going on in there - ::seal is 66 85
68 91 901 611 309 they say 3 9 380 on black stone

i'm dying on the road towards death - i'm dying invisible here - have to
stop to enter the wires - emissions no good no wifi nothing - no money for
satellites those things - just want you to know - what - i've seen wonders
- incredible things - you wouldn't believe - can't write about them dying
now - acts of altruism, murders - rapine and pillage - heroism dying to
the nth degree - higher - empathy and compassion - charities uncalled-for
- slow down to a crawl in the traffic - there's a six-wheeler ahead all
black with tinted windows - something going on in there - your there's no
accounting for me - i'm dying just along for the ride towards death - it's
fast and furious - it's the ride towards death of a lifetime - don't
forget me - i'm disappearing - i'm dying in the rattling fog the drowning
rain the screaming thunder - you can see my face when the lightning
strikes - what i've witnessed - no human being should ever see - should
ever have to see - we're picking up speed - the road towards death
stretches to infinity - lights overhead - the great sloop disappears in
the distance - comes up behind me - passes - comes up behind me - never
mind -

they say 3 9 380 on black stone
they say 3 9 380 on black stone


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