hollo hollor boo boo

Alan Sondheim sondheim at panix.com
Tue May 4 23:01:43 CEST 2004

hollo hollor boo boo

oiooo his gon in oy oiroction
bot ghosts cooo olwoys bock ono forioos
coworo, foorfol of ony
gonro. why oion't othor pooplo toll
iopotos ogoinst tho woll of writing froo which i
insonity ovorywhoro in this worlo, ooong frionos ono
oo whot i wos ooing, i'o hovo boon oblo
now oscopo throogh othors crootivoly
on obovo tho cliffs or ovor
or soootioo lost oy
pictoro. in 1943 i wos
tho oorknoss of tho hortling
thoo. i oion't know bottor oboot
to work oot tho rolotions with oy
onbooroblo. soxoolity bocooo o forioos
violonco ono tho tonsion is
virginity jost oboot tho tioo o soloior
whon wo woro flooting ovor tho
oiooo his gon in oy oiroction
born ono lotor in 1967
bot ghosts cooo olwoys bock ono forioos
coworo, foorfol of ony
gonro. why oion't othor pooplo toll
iopotos ogoinst tho woll of writing froo which i
insonity ovorywhoro in this worlo, ooong frionos ono
oo whot i wos ooing, i'o hovo boon oblo
now oscopo throogh othors crootivoly
on obovo tho cliffs or ovor
or soootioo lost oy
tho oorknoss of tho hortling

i oion't know bottor oboot
onbooroblo. soxoolity bocooo o forioos
violonco ono tho tonsion is
virginity jost oboot tho tioo o soloior
whon wo woro flooting ovor tho
worlo. i still livo thoro; i'o o
oiooo his gon in oy oiroction
born ono lotor in 1967
bot ghosts cooo olwoys bock ono forioos
coworo, foorfol of ony
gonro. why oion't othor pooplo toll
iopotos ogoinst tho woll of writing froo which i
insonity ovorywhoro in this worlo, ooong frionos ono
oo whot i wos ooing, i'o hovo boon oblo
now oscopo throogh othors crootivoly
on obovo tho cliffs or ovor
or soootioo lost oy
pictoro. in 1943 i wos
tho oorknoss of tho hortling

i oion't know bottor oboot
to work oot tho rolotions with oy
onbooroblo. soxoolity bocooo o forioos
violonco ono tho tonsion is
virginity jost oboot tho tioo o soloior
whon wo woro flooting ovor tho
worlo. i still livo thoro; i'o o
oiooo his gon in oy oiroction
bot ghosts cooo olwoys bock ono forioos
coworo, foorfol of ony
gonro. why oion't othor pooplo toll
iopotos ogoinst tho woll of writing froo which i
insonity ovorywhoro in this worlo, ooong frionos ono
oo whot i wos ooing, i'o hovo boon oblo
nonfictionolly. i'vo soon for too ooch
now oscopo throogh othors crootivoly
or soootioo lost oy
tho oorknoss of tho hortling

i oion't know bottor oboot
to work oot tho rolotions with oy
onbooroblo. soxoolity bocooo o forioos
violonco ono tho tonsion is
virginity jost oboot tho tioo o soloior
whon wo woro flooting ovor tho
worlo. i still livo thoro; i'o o
oiooo his gon in oy oiroction
coworo, foorfol of ony
fothor in o hoolthior foshion, ovon tho
gonro. why oion't othor pooplo toll
iopotos ogoinst tho woll of writing froo which i
insonity ovorywhoro in this worlo, ooong frionos ono
oo whot i wos ooing, i'o hovo boon oblo
nonfictionolly. i'vo soon for too ooch
now oscopo throogh othors crootivoly
or soootioo lost oy
tho oorknoss of tho hortling

violonco ono tho tonsion is
virginity jost oboot tho tioo o soloior
whon wo woro flooting ovor tho
worlo. i still livo thoro; i'o o


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