[syndicate] bilingual explanation instead of panoptical vision

fmadre at free.fr fmadre at free.fr
Wed May 5 12:29:40 CEST 2004

> >that was exactly respecting Claudia, as I thought that your point of retort
> >making intervention in the fast exchange about her piece of information
> >about Pelechian, at last it was indirectly for her unpleasant ;
> why?
> even if I try to see the things as you obviously see them ...
> so, probably ... that frederic disagrees with me on the subject of 
> Pelechian ...
> I do not see why his different opinion should be unpleasant to me ..
> in general
> besides of this

for the record, my opinion on the information that you sent Claudia is that it 
was interesing and I thank you for it, claudia.

> I suspect the Syndicate concept might be based on relations that
> are much more personal than you are aware of

yes, sorry claudia that I have not answered your private mail yet
(I agree with you, except perhaps I'd push it to 99.9%)

> you know ...
> and possibly more people
> >Beyond that I am satisfied,
> >I have long texts which cross(spend) in English
> your texts might be used to 'prove' the list's (or moderator's) 

Ok, you are right Claudia, let's steer back to the initial point
aliette sent us a big long piece entitled "right of answer" (which was in 
itself a very amusing title because it refers to a very french judiciary notion 
and also one which does not apply to the internet) where she stated that it was 
time to create a french speaking unmoderated list and I thought, brilliant: 
aliette will have her own mailing list and her energy will be directed to 
something she likes and nurtures herself and (as I would never join such a 
list) we will all happily leave together apart. I'm still expecting the 
announcement of that mailing list.
The second point she seemed to be making was that moderation was evil and we 
should get rid of it. As you saw, I did not say anything about this. I'm still 
waiting for Aliette to unsub from both nettime lists if she thinks that they 
are stifling her freedom of speech and manipulate the conversations. Old story, 
sure, which has yet to be debated properly alas.

So, I was naively thinking that aliette would enact what she so excitedly x-
posted all around to lists on which I am not subscribed and for which I have 
neither personal interest or concern. She did not and now she sends her answer 
to both our syndicate and the moderator of nettime-fr who, I hope, could not 
care less about what is happening on our list and, I suspect, is conforted that 
the huffin and puffin aliette stayed on the list anyway.


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