\\ jankee \\ jankee slot machines

integer at www.god-emil.dk integer at www.god-emil.dk
Mon Jun 14 17:26:41 CEST 2004

>BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) - A car bomb tore through a convoy Monday in central Baghdad, killing at least 12 people, including an American and four other foreigners working to rebuild Iraq's power plants. A crowd gathered, shouting "Down with the USA!" and dancing around a charred body.

Marketing methods + channels of distribution are the same in most countries

Some just dance better than others.

>The dead 

Is there a market for DEAD MOTHER FUCKERS?

>included three employees of Granite Services Inc., 
>a wholly owned, Tampa, Fla.-based subsidiary of General Electric, 
>and two security contractors, said GE spokeswoman Louise Binns in Brussels.

Eventually a trip to the country in which you intend to trade ...

>Passions boiled over 

... Bubbles

>as the crowd of youths taunted American troops and Western journalists 
>who rushed to the scene near Tahrir Square. 
>American troops 

AKA sales agents

>beat one man with a stick, 

Always ensure your customers understand who you are. what you offer and whats on the rest of the agenda

>but after failing to restrain the crowd, the troops and police withdrew.

A good rule of thumb is - If the market isn't there get out of the projekt + find another market

>One civilian bystander - 

With a short skirt + un fundulet obraznic +?

OoOoccident demokrazie - 1x whore

Not unlike the short.fat.bald + ugly prostitute MOTHER FUCKERS at Cycling75

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