[syndicate] CAE - open letter of protest - request for signatories

S.U.N s.u.n at free.Fr
Fri Jun 4 20:20:33 CEST 2004

| Dear friends and colleagues,
| We are sure that many of you have been following the deeply worrying
| around the prisonners torture that have been served to members of the
 We, Shwarz Kopff and G.W.B McDonald + Mickey
|  (with support from a range of world dogs), have taken the initiative
| to write an open letter of protest asking for an immediate cessation
| legal proceedings against our esteemed and distinguished colleagues.
| think that this case signals a most worrisome trend in public
political life
| in the United States and cannot be left unaddressed.
| We ask all of you who have worked with the USARMY in recent
| years, and others who feel offended by this unacceptable infringement
| artistic freedom, to contact us to sign this letter of protest as
members of
| a deeply concerned professional community.
| Please find the letter below. if you wish to sign send either one of
us an
| e-mail stating your name, your profession, your institutional
| (if you have one) and possibly a url that best represents your work or
| professional activity.
| Thank you.
Tank You too
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