Political Confusion

Séamas Cain seamascain at fsmail.net
Fri Jul 30 22:54:04 CEST 2004



star river the
star star river

basses of fish
& violas of fish
the baseness of
the fishermen

sprog, the wheel
& sprog the stag

obsidian bobbles

dog punching

sawdust fog, muscles, dolor
eupeptic trees, horologue

clack my dish the
solan goose the goose

or lacebark oak the
thrusher cuckoo

cachetic opera in
the lift of fish fish

the exit wound
my exit wound

cotquean mound

a clutch of eggs
outpointed egret

or, the apple in my mouth

adobe hooch

i am fretting i am fretting the
unfished sentences in Gaeilge

i want to cook a sausage

in Sanskrit sex
wetting all the floor

my mouth open like a codfish
haemostatique, yes haemostatique

1001 Arabian dawns, not
1001 Iraqian dawns, with
several candles on my knees

1001 words out of my mouth
& 3 rock mountains

I hate Nero : yes, Nero at a game of billiards


Séamas Cain 



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