
Alan Sondheim sondheim at panix.com
Tue Jan 6 05:28:13 CET 2004

The room is silent now. I'm back on the other machine, linux. There was a
bit of configuration, but it wasn't terrible. It's about 2:30 in the
night, January 5th, 2004. I have to find a way to automate...
Here's what's in the home directory at the moment:
a              cine.blend1     GoogleSearch.wsdl    Mail
bl             cinelerra.html  image                mod
blender        Desktop         image.txt            note       video
blenderplayer  eiffel.blend    looply.pl            notebook
cin            eiffel.blend1   lynx_bookmarks.html  sandy
cine.blend     fungi           mail                 third.nbk

Too much Ashley MacIsaac this evening - it's his first cd, and hard to
discern his future direction - in any case, it's crystal, a bit cold -
next day now and going to the doctor shortly. finished Saikaku, reading
parts of Dylan Thomas' Quite Early One Morning. As usual not feeling well.
Did a piece from spam - it did go through. The more spam avoids filtering,
the greater the degree of language experiments. And literal experiments -
trying to avoid the filters. This is the new Finnegan's Wake of late
capitalism, driven by the marketplace, but internally playful.

So a literature is created out of necessity.

Of course for it to be literature, it must be read as such (reception
theory). This is bleary, exhausted, and goes through all the usual theory

And I'm bleary. Spent last night also reconfiguring the Zaurus. It works
better than ever. Last night Azure and I married Britney Spears.
I originally wrote 'maried' ha - ha.
So I'm supposed to review Shaviro, but I don't have the original letter
and nothing accompanied the arrival of the book. Still reading Mike
Davis' Dead Cities. Everyone seems fascinated by the turn spam has taken -

For one thing it's a process of natural selection - did I already say
that? What produces returns, returns. It's a question of identity, not
equivalence, the same must return to the same, in which case the mutation
is successful. Otherwise the language stretches farther out on a limb,
there's always new testing going on. There you are.

Here I am.


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