[syndicate] Re: nn

Alan Sondheim sondheim at panix.com
Sat Jan 3 17:27:44 CET 2004

i prefer jabes
levinas too
levinas is problematic in his texts with women
nietzsche and jews are still another problem
everyone washes heidegger
i certainly did not imply agreement with nietzsche any n
a professor who had been in the camps said to me if she taught
 only writers who weren't anti-semites she'd have very little
 to teach, this was 19th century
i take what i can as well
i couldn't get beyond dostoevsky's writers diary though
or pound's radio talk about the camps too good for the jews
the line wavers and travels everywhere
it's the darkness of the west
even in the east, there's dogen's lineages
the taoists persecuting buddhists china 842
it doesn't end take what you can

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