[syndicate] Rolls Royce funding the UK's arts

Andreas Hagenbach a2h at gmx.ch
Sat Jan 3 00:03:41 CET 2004

if i get a neat new rolls royce car i would eventually collaborate 
with the mentioned company. but i am swiss. that means i have no 
conscience or alike at all. if the english artists don't want any 
good and luxurious cars, give it to one who are in need for it, 
because we want to be successful artists too! maybe it would more 
'pc' to think about the ones behind the former iron curtain, maybe 
these artists should get each a rolls royce too.

anyway, nowadays it is better to look for longvity of all material 
items, because i don't know what i can afford tomorrow. maybe i have 
to spare out the 'fraise avec crème'. another reason to opt for a 
good car. it would be good to sell to 'galeristas', if i can't afford 
the petrol any more.

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