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integer at integer at
Sun Feb 22 23:35:29 CET 2004

>the balkanization of the balkans was the price balkan people paid 
>for preserving several decades of peace between suspicious and
>narrow minded occident powers.
>a balkan confederation of large ethnically mixed states
>where minority rights were protected by international guarantee
>never had a chance of getting off the ground in such a cynical
>atmosphere promulgated by occident powers.
>rene beekman - another occident loser
>>>                 \\ 01 BALKAN KONFEDERAZIE
>>have said before and will say again; the balkans object against your 
>>agitprop and do not wish to be associated with it
>nik gaffney - another anglo-saxon loser quoting laibach
>>"Our voices are not raised in any harmonious chorus"
>nationalism is the chief hallmark of Westernization.

autonomous individualism is another chief hallmark of western imbecility
autonomous individualism permits rapid progress throwing the social metabolism
out of synk with the biological metabolism ... resulting in the parasitic
art projekt known as western democrassy

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