No subject

integer at integer at
Wed Feb 25 22:26:56 CET 2004

and another question - why has `nn` cut down soooooo much on this type of retort.
and why has `nn` acquired a name [at least for select lovable life forms] a +?
and why is `nn` leaving a nameless land for h o m e

monsieur adolf ventures a formidable guess: TRIUMPH OF THE WILL +?


>>>>tradition isn't love<<
>>--Ain't THAT the truth. 
>Corroborated by the fact that we are generally attracted 
>to persons that resemble our parents.
>>Tradition is either a mnemonic
>>device, helping you remember the ideas and emotions of
>>your ancestors, or a way for guilty minds to hide
>>behind something that feels solid, a way for people
>>frightened by change to shore up their sense of power
>>and importance.
>Love explains why sometimes males don't leave after
>satiating their lust \ power. love is slowness and anti progress. 
>What is tradition?
>>>you're already crazy.
>>that would make you crazy. Are you?<<
>>--If I said I was crazy, I suppose I wouldn't be. If I
>>say I'm not crazy, there's nothing to back it up.
>>Rather, I'll say I don't really worry about whether
>>I'm crazy or not, although I do try to be careful not
>>to let assumptions about myself or my importance
>>mislead me into narcissism or other traps. I'm just a
>>human being, and I like it that way.
>If you are a human being (prove it) you should perhaps understand that
>much as you consider others crazy other human beings may regard you as crazy.
>How do you propose to resolve this human problem?
>>>But the women paid the price.
>>The men paid the price.<
>>--Everyone paid the price. 
>Then why is it you have said women paid the price?
>Are you of the impression contradictions will
>help you stretch over the entire mindscape?
>>That's the problem.
>The problem is not the problem.
>Resolving the problem is the problem.
>>Dysfunctional religious nationalism punishes everyone,
>>so the guilty pay the same price as the innocent.
>>Women under the taliban payed the price for men who
>>could not distinguish between symbol and reality,
>>between an offensive gesture and the vilence done by
>>the offended. In America, too, a breast is blamed for
>>interrupting "family hour" beer ads and rough contact
>>sports. Silly, in an age where terrorism and
>>groupthink are so terrifying, that breasts are no
>>longer a symbol of nurturance, but something to be
>>stamped out while ads for potentially lethal alcoholic
>>drinks get barely a finger-wag.
>>I keep hearing "If gay marriage is allowed, all hell
>>will break loose. People will start marrying their
>>pets." That kind of logic is symbolic, it addresses
>>not a real threat but a generalized anxiety about
>>social change. Since the problems facing us are so
>>overwhelming, and because they bring up guilt and the
>>fear of deserving abandonment by God or by historical
>>fate, the anxiety is diverted onto symbols of offense
>>precisely because they bring up those peripheral and
>>pervasive fears.
>When women fall in love they begin to fear. 
>Why are men always afraid?
>That is the name your parents gave you.
>What is your name?

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