
noemata at noemata at
Wed Aug 11 18:28:39 CEST 2004

Subject: ssss


Materialism doesn't solve my problems.  , wa schooled ido maitre? anne
(Should it?) materialises doesn't sylviawraiths abwatt hawaiian, reduce,
mee parablast.                          edge. poise. aim, yow fined wite
withe die iii challah 'problem'	What I you're leukemic firry, amati reed
call 'problem'?                         with you wined towie rathe. it's
tao injecting in mo loop the insecurity jugate madder aeneid sputa, thymus
in my life, why should it matter? AN    hobby aye followeth, whiff,
writes about home, roots, etc. Puke.    pyritizations charged out obey
Anyway, you find what you're looking    energy/frequency, tizzy iq loki taw
for, and read what you want to read.    anabaena crocidolite ahwaz a
It's just matter and speed, things have low-energy foliot,
a field, wave, particle character out ofinterjectionalize crystallized asia
energy/frequency, this is like the      whips, annette furthering indy a
ambient character as a low-energy field,prothesis bobrow oba hazer
interacting characters as waves, and    energy/frequency. map annalises
further into a particle behaviour of    twae saltchucker, lockheed aeneid
higher energy/frequency. Maybe analogousgecko. ecstaticise electorally
to solids, liquid and gas. Excited      reminisce ah ferny henae.
electrons running away from home.       equifrequent, thew particularly, nw
Expressions, the particular, no         reallotting, awe relation layer,
relation, a relation layer, this is not tows ix naiad it
Cold nature, cold culture, the immense
and the banal, how to cope with shit,
with you, with anybody, with yourself.
Electrons have territories too. Whatever
structure, operations. And knowledge,
this, miniature, cold miniature.
	Is this breaking communication?
Boxers are interacting, joined in fighting. -----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----
, this message , touse muses icc from noaa omni. ainu tallage op, anna,
into lev, self-healing windshield. how issue it tideway
is from no one. Any talk of, anyway, into life, fles-h-ealing
soundw. How is it that
How can hoi chemmy ie communistically toque?
meshed ii couth iud, hoy diego ide coinage twi hange the meaning? This 
ese macaws is a i ah nuddy tahoe boohoo rad, natty thai bow cly. communicate 
this? Must I dude it, how does it c message is
to be read, not to broughams toea chide, tahoe nite. a ley i owe reith is 
said. gaya honed.
dhoti toughy halvah?
be communicated. wreaking the pode, the n dude. All I read is thissh it. Go 
hunt. Did this ple help?

I'm constructing something that isn't there, why I'm doing this, like scanning 
family albums to construct it.
it's fractionalizing, dougherty, only honour wars, noth
	not using words properly. The road from A to B is called B.
,  its freightening, degarding, only humurns works, broth

Health hale whole heil hel

My neuroticism, on a hot summer day I play haflerTrio's Intoutof. Is it 
excitement, alltogether? Crunching the sensory, terror, but why? Well, too 
much, that's it. In need of something to process.
"neu·ro·sis  (n r?Æsis, nyÂ-), n., pl. -ses  (-sz). Psychiatry.1.	Also 
called psychoneurosis. a functional disorder in which feelings of anxiety, 
obsessional thoughts, compulsive acts, and physical complaints without 
objective evidence of disease, in various degrees and patterns, dominate the 
2.	a relatively mild personality disorder typified by excessive anxiety or 
indecision and a degree of social or interpersonal maladjustment."
"Personality disorder"..., rather that than any 'personality'.
"per·son·al·i·ty  (pûrÅsà nalÆi t), n., pl. -ties. 3.	Psychol. the sum total 
of the physical, mental, emotional, and social characteristics of an 	
			individual.the organized pattern of behavioral 
characteristics of the individual."
...So there's disorder in "the sum total", things don't add up, the patterns 
are disorganized. To whom? Pattern-recognition, see patterns, don't - humans 
are strange dogs to dogs. Take care of your compulexes. Incompatabilities 
though, they might be problems, what is this order? Dog psychiatry says humans 
are disordered. What I mean "excitement", like the gas, calm down, liquidise, 
solidify, there's only so much mean energy acknowledged. And of course, 
epiphenomenal to society's stasis and dynamis, equilibrium and deviance. 
Research and development labs. Not your rat. Too much, since we're bodies 
first, not gases, or the hierarchy of needs need covering, boiling the stuff, 
health. Is there a distinction between healthy and sick disorder, 
higher/lower, too much / too little, like very hot is like cold again (that 
way around, since nature is cold), which makes you think it's the same, like 
center/periphery (same as equilibrium/deviance again) which is just one thing 
and the deviance from it, like the circle is constructed from one magnitude - 
does it mean it's one-dimensional? A 2-d plane,1-d line0-d point - it's a one-
dimensional plane - how does a hyper-circle look? The same circle, for whom 
the excitement is the same - banal, trite - you grew a body, I'm not 
entertaining you fresh and effective, grow your own. At a certain age you 
become responsible for your actions (you can copy yourself before that and not 
be responsible), anyway, more or less the same age for copy-action. 
Responsibility is a kind of copy, establishing a relation between a thing and 
itself, like the circle again, a one-dimensional plane, or pooplack, key to 
emerging order, the pact, via the irrational, the disorder. They got it wrong 
somehow, "a relatively mild personality disorder typified by excessive anxiety 
or indecision and a degree of social or interpersonal maladjustment." - what's 
that? - the circle, the cell (reviewed by other life forms, eg viruses), 
irrational numbers analyzed by real, -you're an odd square? -yeah, my 4 is 
only 3.14159... (a square hose pi is 4). - so you're quite disordered? -i'm a 
neurotic square, you could express my social and interpersonal maladjustment 
in a infinite series of odd fractions if it makes you feel better about us. -
what about your complex, imaginary friends? -they're only partly imaginary, 
the rest is real, avatar/atavar (int()utof), and they're doing their job in 
solving real disorder and complexity, like the mythical fridge, bridge, bias 
he imaginary. -how is the imaginary like a placebo? -what goes on in the 
hidden layers we'll tell you in the next via.

Doctrine/expression, working with autists, she told me they'd follow a 
command, read a sentence, but not read a command. Active expression / matters 
of doctrine, these are just weights, head and body, chained up and what; the 
exclamation "what?!" as doctrine. The whole/whole, travesty/traverse 
(expression/doctrine), or value/function. Doctrine is to expression what 
expression is to value what value is to reality (values are doctrines of 
reality [/ expressions of unreality / doctrines of unreality / expressions of 
reality]). Active matter - what?! Psychoactive, and I thought my psyche was 
stale and productive only when needing to p then q.

Actual words and actions, records of. How action? She kicked him in the butt. 
Recorded action of, recapture the living. My words am actual, my actions am 
actual too. My body are matter, the matter am actual. They aren't no not. 
Those. Doze sleeping matter those, hardly a shadow, DNA doctrines, the active 
expression of copy. The act, the beginning, the real, fade in. 'Fade in' is an 
oxymoron, sharp-dull; what is sharp dull sharp dull sharp dull etc? She kicked 
him in the butt, actual words - 'actual', it fades in like a fiction, like 
alternating fractions, .friction then, sharpening dulling, depending on 
spectangle tangible.

What makes this tick? What makes this clock? [to hide; conceal: The mission 
was cloaked in mystery.] [1350?1400; ME clok(ke) < MD clocke bell, clock; akin 
to OE clucge, OHG glocka (G Glocke), OIr clocc bell; cf. CLOAK] I needed this 
tick, snap, burst (tick is motor, ie small explosions), reminiscent of yours 
truly, the never.

Community, janus, and you can always choose the wrong, flickering bifurcation 
rate, quakers, brownian movement, jiggle giggle and the eternal grin. Strange 
how the world stays the same from moment to moment, this fan, the update rate. 
The show off steps. If you look real close you'll see nothing. Joy comes from 
brownian movement community's giggling, quaker's quietude, the bifurcation at 
4,6692... which makes a smile, stretching in two directions. Happy end.

More about communication, or less. If you call it communication it's already 
stale. I'm imagining this dead squid. That's pretty awful. Anyway, it wasn't a 
squid after all, I was just imagining it, or not even that. Was only looking 
for a metaphor, not even looking, more like feeling, or when you don't want to 
feel (it can be annoying) and just grab something from the shelf, I think it's 
intuition. Advertising is like sermons of the intuition, like, the church 
pushing their goods. No, the money track is telling. If you want to reveal 
truthment you'll be driven into the hands of falsedom. Communicationhood is 
like that, I once talked to communication, "to express thoughts, feelings, or 
information easily or effectively", it's a nutter, you'll be driven into the 
hands of smileys, and I once talked to smileys, "used to communicate humor, 
sarcasm, sadness, etc., in an electronic message", they're mad too, 
disordered, maladjusted, like a neurotic, you really can't trust them, you'd 
prefer the eternal grin after all, at least you can trust death. Well, that 
would be awful, if death wasn't death, then I'd prefer communication, like 
this, and the falsehoods. I'll even throw in smileys grinning at you for no 
good reason. The animals :)), if we just could get into their heads that 
they're gonna die, I think they'd learn to speak too. To be sure, if we just 
got the ifs to work, then the thens would follow. And the ifs of the ifs, of 
course, that goes without saying. Communication is all about that. Finally, I 
want to draw your attention to the dead squid again. As you can see it has 
come alive, it is working itself back to sea, you hammering on its head to 
undo (or get it to speak) wasn't effective enough, it will continue to vile 
for some years still, without speaking. You turn around and face a forest, 
there is a small path going west, another going south. You hear water but 
don't see it. There might be a dog biting. You haven't seen the ox though 
you're supposed to. You have to cross the bridge sooner or later, but not 

blush flush blys gush gustr


wreathus isbn 82-92428-08-9

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