[syndicate] Cartier-Bresson

fmadre at free.fr fmadre at free.fr
Mon Aug 9 16:42:40 CEST 2004

Selon Aliette Guibert <guibertc at criticalsecret.com>:
> You always speak in the name of the criteria checking of the quality and of
> the beautiful, but from which references?

er, no, I never use the words "beautiful" or "quality"!

 or exclusive yours own as all
> others... or telling of a model? inwhich you would be completely
> retro-critical and reactionary?

hey, I don't like cartier bresson and I explained why
if you like him just explain why you do instead of picking on people
ok ?

> If there is not anymore a materialist system in matter of the equivalence of
> the value, it costs even in art (and testify of the disappearance of the
> aesthetics except critical track of past).


> Since the deconstructive punks of the years 69 and 70,

there were no punks in 69 or 70
and punks were not deconstructivists either

> My favourite in photo as art of studio is Rob Mapplethorpe (lié à la
> première époque des punks); for another part Duane Michals.
> Et toujours, Dolorès Marat.

euh ouais
and why ?


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