Loud NO to compromise

Ivo Skoric ivo at reporters.net
Sun Apr 25 20:00:21 CEST 2004

Why would only Israelis and Palestinians be stubborn, why would only 
Serbs and Albanians be recalcitrant? The plan for re-unification of 
Greek and Turkish part of Cyprus - forced on Cypriots by the 
'international community' (UN, US, EU) - was rejected yesterday in 
the referendum. It actually received a slight approval in the Turkish 
part - which stands to lose more from its isolation, particularly 
after the Greek run Cyprus enters the EU soon. It was soundly 
rejected by the Greeks who decided that they had nothing to gain by 

The reasons for failure are described in this human rights report 
prepared by Cyprus Action Network (in English, Greek and Turkish), 
and they include media manipulation, threats to citizenry, and 
variety of governmental abuses on both sides of the island (doesn't 
this remind us of the Balkans?)...


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