New American Century

Ivo Skoric ivo at
Sun Apr 25 20:00:20 CEST 2004

1) States increasingly oppose federally mandated immigrant bashing in 
the US:
On Apr. 9 Maine governor John Baldacci signed an executive order,
effective immediately, which prohibits state employees from
inquiring or disclosing information about a person's immigration
status, sexual orientation, or status as a domestic violence or
sexual assault victim, crime witness, person with a disability,
or recipient of public assistance. Exceptions to the order allow
disclosure if the person gives written consent; or if disclosure
is required by law, or is "necessary to fulfill the purpose or
achieve the mission of any State agency" and authorized by law.
It also allows disclosure in the context of a terrorism
investigation or if the individual is suspected of illegal
activity "other than mere status as an undocumented alien." The
order is the culmination of several months of negotiations with
the Center for the Prevention of Hate Violence (CPHV) and a
number of other civil rights and immigration activist
organizations. [CPHV Message 4/9/04; Text of Order 4/9/04]

2) Almost forgoten Democratic presidential candidate that runs on the 
platform of PEACE, Denis Kucinich, reminds other candidates of the 
neccessity to oppose the Patriot Act - rejected by almost 50 millions 
Americans in 291 communities in 39 States:

In the last week, the Bush Administration has launched a public 
relations blitz in an attempt to improve the image of the widely-
detested PATRIOT Act, arguing the act is necessary to protect 
American in the war on terror. Fortunately, the American people know 
better and the civil liberties-shredding legislation has been met 
with impressive resistance.
Providing an excellent example of what citizens can do to better 
their government, resolutions opposing the PATRIOT Act have been 
passed in 291 communities, in 39 states, including four state-wide 
resolutions; representing 49.8 million people.
Despite this resistance, few Democratic leaders have insisted on 
repealing the legislation. Kucinich, campaigning in Oregon, said 
"It's unmistakably clear" from his travels across the nation "that 
there is an almost universal rejection of the PATRIOT Act. He called 
on his own Party to end its silence, "show some backbone," and call 
for the law's repeal. [ Read press release: ]
Watch PATRIOT Act video from Oregon:

3) The US is probably preparing to dig itself really deep in the hole 
in Iraq tommorrow morning, by launching a decisive attack on the 
"It was this growing concern, officials say, that led Mr. Bremer, who 
is to leave Iraq in 10 weeks after handing sovereignty over to 
Iraqis, to warn on Friday that "Iraq faces a choice.""
Indeed, and the choice is: surrender to the occupying force, or be 
forced to give up, or, at least, Bremer hopes that is the choice. 
What really would be THE choice we will see in ten years. Once, maybe 
a year ago, I wrote that G.O.P.'s "Drang nach Osten" in Iraq, reminds 
me of their mascot, an elephant being caught in the quick-sand. 
Neither there is a democracy in Iraq, nor is the US or the World a 
safer place, and even the oil is the most expensive in history. What 
exactly then were the benefits of that war? And they will plunge more 
people in it, because the stakes are too high for them to pull out 
(as Bush said)...
Well, that brings us back to the elephant comparison. Bush with his 
ears flapping, does remind of a happy elephant obliviously running 
into peril gingerly waving the flag with his snout. And as he is 
sinking in the quick sand of Iraqi dessert for quite some time now, 
only his head is still above the sand, still in good mood, his ears 
flapping, his snout waving the flag. But as November approaches, only 
the snout with the flag may remind visible. And I hate to tell how 
the January would look like...


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