Net – Sparring on VisitorsStudio

marc marc.garrett at
Thu Apr 15 17:53:58 CEST 2004

Net – Sparring on VisitorsStudio

Are you able to take on the Net – Sparring challenge?

VisitorsStudio is an online, live, networked facility available for 
anyone to use in real-time, 24 hours a day. a multi-user arena for 
production, display and discussion of audiovisual, screen-based work. 
Visitors respond to each other by uploading, manipulating, mixing and 
exhibiting their own compositions, encouraging people to be imaginative 
in their interactions with each other and the network.

Net – Sparring is a form of playful online multimedia rapping; live 
collaboration and multimedia discourse between international artists 
across continents in a live art, online jamming context. Anyone can join 
in and it can be accessed on a 56k modem from anywhere in the world, 
allowing people to upload swf (flash) files, jpg’s and mp3’s.

You can either just type your user name, or type your username and save 
it with a password, easy access...maximum files 200k.

go straight there.

If you need help, here is the VisitorsStudio manual.

Chris Webb Vsblog - complitaions of work created on the VisitorsStudio 

Sim's VisitorsStudio Forum.

Also visit Sim's site anyway...SOY.DE - dedicated to new forms of 
creative visual, audio and audio-visual communication.

Transcripts of live interviews on VisitorsStudio, for FurtherNoise with 
Roger MIlls.

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