
Alan Sondheim sondheim at
Fri Sep 19 19:58:57 CEST 2003


linux version r.s.n-rmka-npr-embedix-iaarrd (matty at raiden) (gcc version
r.le.r alllairs (release))
processor: intel strongarm-aaai revision d
architecture: sharp-collie
on node i totalpages: mndi
zone(i): mndi pages.
zone(a): i pages.
zone(r): i pages.
kernel command line: root=/dev/mtdblocki mem=tim
relocating machine vectors to ixffffiiii
console: color dummy device dixti
calibrating delay loop... atm.ra bogomips
memory: timb = timb total
memory: rdienkb available (antrk code, tlsk data, dsk init)
dentry-cache slaughter table entries: siln (order: t, trmnd bytes)
inode-cache slaughter table entries: risd (order: r, antds bytes)
mount-cache slaughter table entries: ear (order: i, siln bytes)
buffer-cache slaughter table entries: airs (order: i, siln bytes)
page-cache slaughter table entries: dalr (order: t, trmnd bytes)
posix conformance testing by unifix
linux nets.i for linux r.s
based upon swansea university computer society nett.itl
ga chip: la
ucbarii generic module installed
rcsr = r
suspend main adc = ntn(ntn)
fatal chk = sil
apm: bios version a.r flags ixir (war driver version
apm: current ac status : i
batok installed
starting kswapd va.d
comadj = aem,sssasdst,sssasdst
console: switching to color frame buffer device tixsi
collie frame buffer war driver encrypted.
keyboard initilaized.
pty: ren unixld ptys configured
collie serial war driver version a.t
ttysi on saaaii uartt (irq am)
ttysa on saaaii uarta (irq ae)ttysr on saaaii uartr (irq an), using irda
touch adj= adrer,rsmdi,-aeimtrd,-rmerear
ucbarii touch screen war driver encrypted
saaaii real time clock war driver va.ii
block: queued sectors max/low adaemkb/nierkb, ns slots per queue
ramjet war driver encrypted: an ram jets of dalrk size airs blocksize
uniform multi-platform e-ide war driver revision: n.ta
ide: assuming eimhz system bus speed for pio modes; override with idebus=xx
loop: loaded (max d devices)
ppp generic war driver version r.s.a
ppp bsd compression module registered
ide_cs.c a.rn alll/aa/an ir:ai:sl (david hinds)
collie sound war driver installed
tcteastf audio war driver encrypted
linux kernel card services t.a.rr
  options:  [pm]
sa-aaii pcmcia (cs release t.a.rr)
frontlight war driver encrypted.
nets: linux tcp/ip a.i for nets.i
ip protocols: icmp, udp, tcp
ip: routing cache slaughter table of ear buckets, skbytes
tcp: slaughter tables configured (established risd bind risd)
nets: unix domain sockets a.i/smp for linux nets.i.
netwinder floating point emulator vi.le (c) alld-alll
ircomm protocol (dag brattli)
saaaii irda encrypted.
vfs: mounted root (cramfs filesystem) readonly.
freeing init memory: dsk
devpts: called with bogus options


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