[jaka.org] Retypescape

anna balint epistolaris at freemail.hu
Wed Oct 15 22:32:57 CEST 2003

From: jaka.org <jaka at jaka.org>

Retypescape - interactive internet based language 
related art work


It's not only what is written. It's also where it's 
written and who wrote it.

How do we construct meanings and relevance of the 
written text? Only from its content? How does the 
context influence our evaluation of written information? 
Are 'public' web pages truly public or is it that 
writing for those pages is a privilege of only few 
people? How would a message look like if it were written 
on the web page by your choice by you? Check.

Retypescape ('Pretipkovalec' in the Slovene language) is 
semantically and culturally related to digital grafitty, 
hacker culture, net poetry, questioning of power, 
contextual semantics, rewriting of history, questions of 
authenticity and reliability of digital archives, ...

Retypescape is an exploration of language which 
remembers poetry, also, if not primarily, concrete and 
visual, experience of conceptual art, ...

How to read the content of the (social as well as 
personal) written language, which is not expressing 
itself through its content or (visual) form. Language 
which is not talking about its speaker since its content 
is entirely up to its recipient while its shape it 
determined by the already existing, chosen also by the 

In this work structures of the possible get their 
meanings in relation to what is already existing and are 
at the same time necessary upgraded by the action of the 
user. Interaction is not the goal, it is a way.

Jaka Zeleznikar lives in Ljubljana, Slovenia. From 1997 
on participates on international festivals and 
exhibitions of contemporary and new media art mostly 
with internet related works.
Venues of festivals/exhibitions include Museum of Modern 
Art (Ljubljana, Slovenia), National Museum of Slovenia 
(Ljubljana, Slovenia), ZKM (Karlsruhe, Germany) and 
Institute of Contemporary Arts - ICA (London, Great 
Britain) and other venues in Europe, North and South 
America, New Zeland, Thailand, ...
More information on jaka.org


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