\\ ep!genet!k prozezez - dze f!lth haz zoured dze zueeeeetnesz - lazt zupper prev!eu

integer at www.god-emil.dk integer at www.god-emil.dk
Wed May 21 06:59:35 CEST 2003

joshua goldberg illustrating the myth of pain

>kurt and hc have done nothing but support and promote your software.  
>you're a pig.

what prompted this comment mr.goldberg +?

nn - licking the evolution

>kurt and hc have done nothing but support and promote your software.  


                    i am certain had you ever lived with a clever girl you wouldn't be so certain


mr.goldberg - would you believe it: you are confusing me. when i am the vortex you insult me.
when i am emphasizing my cycles of contingency you insult me.
you may influence me in both directions simultaneously - if you acquainted are 
with the one other circumstance under which this bidirectionality occurs
you understand my rightful concern.

>On 5/20/03 8:43 PM, "integer at www.god-emil.dk" <integer at www.god-emil.dk>
>> NN kindly invites the following occident companies. organizations. + artists
>> hc gilje / kurt ralske
>> to credit Netochka Nezvanova for the ideas + data they have _surreptitiously
>> [ie.sans credit nor permission] appropriated
>> for reasons related to simply.inferior occident democracy childhoods
>> NN - threshing flour by the torchlight

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