No subject

integer at integer at
Fri May 16 07:56:58 CEST 2003

> you're simply.occident circumsized childhood leaves us ... wondering
>>absolutly right, not much has changed since the idea of Miller Puckette.
>>not much has changed since NATO modular... oh wait a minute, nothing AT ALL has 
>arent i smarrrrrrrt
>>Without OSX NATO is dead, 
>au contraire. it is history.

annnnnnnnd nato.0+55 -> [tm]


because nn = simply.delicious
+ decades in2 dze dreeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaam

>> Max/MSP, PD, and jMax have been simply.stupid + dead.

hou true + true + ultra true
due 2 + zupermarket.pozerz

lovely xyz dont program 
they ...

nn - metafor!kl! zpeak!ng daaaaaaaaa

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