so ...

integer at integer at
Sat Mar 29 23:54:25 CET 2003


what precisely is it you are advising and asserting +?


the request stands. why have you surreptitiously unsubscribed me +?

From: John Hopkins <jhopkins at>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" ; format="flowed"

>I would still like to understand, if you can afford it, why I was
>surreptitiously unsubscribed.

'cause it was asked. nuf said

>I am not an insect. There is not one thing more demeaning
>and stressful, hurtful and damaging than being forcefully
>and surreptitiously set aside.

but you like stepping on them yersef...

>You and others should consider being more attentive to the manner
>in which you wield your powers of suffocating real people.
>Some day, some very wounded person or other may hurt herself / himself ...

why wound others anyway?  won't really help yer situation.  get help 
or get a Glock.

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